Not New... Just CONSTANTLY ignored and NEVER Answered...

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by jarret777, Apr 8, 2008.

  1. jarret777

    jarret777 Bit poster

    Parallels will not work after using XP on Bootcamp.
    (1) Parallels installs and works fine until you need to boot IN XP mode.
    (2) When you reboot back into Mac mode, Parallels will have died and generates the error: "Parallels Desktop is unable to operate properly since it cannot communicate with one of its drivers. Try to restart the application to overcome this issue. If restart doesn't help, re-install Parallels Desktop. Note that Parallels drivers require a short time to be properly started and initialized. So you may need to wait a minute before trying to launch the application."
    (3) I must uninstall and reinstall Parallels in order to get it to work again.

    Two hours of reading the boards showed me that this issue goes back to November and these guys have done NOTHING about it. I guess I have to bite the $80 bullet and buy Fusion tomorrow. ANYTHING is better than this junk.
  2. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

  3. Hugh Watkins

    Hugh Watkins Forum Maven

    5 posts on the same subject in a couple of hours suggests you are a newbie

    volunteers like me log on once a day
    and you may be in a totally different time zone to the staff

    a reply in 24 hours ( excepting weekends and public holidays) is reasonablly good service

    the issue is much older
    Bootcamp is the problem

    Two years ago I chose to avoid bootcamp becasue it was in unsupported beta when i go my new machine
    and my VM keeps on truckin'

    I do clone it regularly
    so if something breaks I delete it and open a back up copy

    Today 7 updates to WinXP sp2 from MS
    so I will run a clean up program and then make 2 clones on 2 different drives next


    Hugh W
  4. fbronner

    fbronner Pro

    Same here,

    I don't use bootcamp and never loss a VM machine. And my XP machine is the same since Parallel 2x.
  5. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team


    Hugh, thank you for the answer.

    Fbronner, if you get the error "Parallels cannot communicate with one of its drivers..." on a VM not using Boot Camp, you should try the steps proposed in this article.

    Best regards,
  6. fbronner

    fbronner Pro


    I meant I don't use bootcamp and therefore I never had any issues with my VM :)

    So for me its working great.
  7. jarret777

    jarret777 Bit poster

    Not New... Just CONSTANTLY ignored and NEVER Answered..

    Yes, I am new. To Parallels. I've been around computers for a very long time and had some of the best software experiences and some of the worst. When a product (parallels) works FINE for over a year with NO problem and then one day SUDDENLY stops working after an "upgrade".... and TONS of people complain about the SAME issue... you bet I am going to be a little upset at the software company - and rightfully so.

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