Macbook air sleeping panic

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by dchung70, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. dchung70

    dchung70 Bit poster

    I encountered repeated kernel panic during sleep. Everytime, I just closed(close the book) my Macbook during Window XP starting UP. My MBA will freez and unable to wake up. I have to hold the power bottom to hard restart my MBA(take extra long time to restart or even twice). Furthermore, if I shut the lid up without quiting Parallel Destop with Window running. I will get Kernel Panic(four languages error message).
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2008
  2. Hugh Watkins

    Hugh Watkins Forum Maven

    it pays to treat any computer gently
    I have been using Parallels for nearly two years and never experienced a kernel panic

    You are not opening and closing a refrigerator door

    When an OS starts or stops an error checking process gets underway - if it takes 5 minutes you have time to have a coffee

    I always close WInXP manually before shutting down the Mac OS

    Search the forums for my older postings about using Parallels in a trouble free way

    hugh housekeeping

    yesterday I ran a weekly check on WinXP and found 6 registry errors - these are not caused by Parallels

    Firefox sometimes hangs on shut down so I often exit that down individually too

    with any enquiry please define the mmachine in detail RAM freespace on HD, Parallels and
    OS versions for example

    Hugh W


    USA is still in bed as I write this in Copenhagen so give the parallels team 24 hours to catch up after the holidays

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