I had a windows crash (so what else is new) while running an application. Upon restarting it wants to run that diskcheck thing where it trys to check and repair the file system. That will not work, it hangs up at about 25% and stops. I can close Parallels and then restart it and restart windows and then press a key to bypass the disk check and windows starts and runs just fine. The application that cashed, when restarted will crash again. After doing this several times Windows refused to even try and restart this application (other apps work okay) and gave two error messages, one stating that the .exe file for that app was corrupt and another stating something about the .dll not being a valid windows thing. I tried reinstalling the app. Did not fix the problem and got all kind of messages stating that the app was already installed. I tried running the programs uninstall from the windows control panel (the app has no uninistaller). The windows uninstall app crashes and I have to restart windows. I finally went to the folder where the .exe file for the app resided along with a lot of other files for that app and threw the whole folder in the trash. I then reinstalled the app and it runs fine again. However the checkdisk thing when I start up windows always crashes at 25%. I am running now by always bypassing the startup checkdisk file. Any way to fix this. BTW this is a conversion from virtual PC and has been running fine for a long time. Since it is a virtual PC conversion I do not have a windows disk since virtual PC was sold as a disk image with a windows license. It is a legal copy, just no windows disk. It is windows XP original, no updates ever.
I had a suggestion from a windows forum that I run dskchk from another windows or dos OS on this disk image that will not pass dskchk on its own. Apparently dskchk has limited powers to repair itself when it is running. How would I do that. Could I just install dos. Does it have dskchk in it. Or would I have to install a whole new version of windows. And from what, I have a virtual PC disk image and license. I do not have and never have had a windows install disk. And then would I start the new OS and invoke dskchk with some options that make it check the other non running image somehow. Or is there a 2nd party utility that I can get that will fix what I have. From what I have been told the system crash sets a flag called the DIRTY flag for the hard drive and until chkdsk runs to completion and resets this flag then it will always try to run chkdsk on startup.