One-way clipboard sharing whilst isolated

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by LukeB7, Jun 13, 2022.

  1. LukeB7

    LukeB7 Bit poster

    Hi there,

    I am a security analyst and I have just activated my trial for parallel to see if it would be a suitable option as a sandbox environment for myself and colleagues. The purpose of this sandbox would be to open phishing URLs and suspected malware files for analysis.

    For this reason we would use the isolate from host options and ensure any sharing is turned off. I have seen in other VM solutions one-way clipboard sharing is possible. IE copying a link on host computer and pasting into VM but not able to copy from VM to host.

    I don't see any features for this at present within the options and cannot see reference to this in the KBAs or the forum (apologies if I have missed something).

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

    computeronix and MatthewR20 like this.
  2. LukeB7

    LukeB7 Bit poster

    I'd like to extend this suggestion also to one-way file drop, IE drop a potentially malicious file onto the VM without giving the VM access to host files.
    computeronix and MatthewR20 like this.
  3. computeronix

    computeronix Bit poster

    Agree with these suggestions, allow one way into the device way isolated
    MatthewR20 likes this.
  4. computeronix

    computeronix Bit poster

    Perhaps have a setting under isolate (or in the relevant areas) to enable to allow one way in - or even when you click Paste (and file share) under Action allow this to work with Isolate?
    MatthewR20 likes this.

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