Hello, Thank you for reaching out. Please note that we have deactivated the subscription with the license key *****-4QVHYC from the machine with macOS macOS 15.0.1. Please retry the activation process on the new machine and let us know if you have any issues. Thanks
Thanks for your support. However it is not working. I got the following message after insert my license key: This license has reached its activation limit and can no longer be used to activate new product copies.
The license problem is solved. Thanks a lot. However I have now the problem that I cannot open my old Windows11 virtual machine. I get the error message that my configuration file is invalid. Maybe you can support as well,. Thanks Robert
Same problem here. I cannot deactivate a single license to switch to a new computer. Trying terminal gives this result. my@imac ~ % prlsrvctl deactivate-license Failed to deactivate the license: Unable to deactivate the product. Your type of license cannot be deactivated.
Your website is really hard to make sense of. In 2022 I bought a "lifetime" subscription for Parallels Mac version 17. I've had major problems with both it, and my Mac. I want to re-install it, but can't find any place where I can get the installation files. All the links to "previous versions" are dead. Please would you send me the installation files for Parallels Mac Desktop version 17? I don't want 18, not 19, nor 20. Thank you.
I have a new Mac Book Air M3. I cannot move the license of Parallels Desktop v18 of my old Mac BookcAir M1 to the new one. I read the information to this problem on your web site. Does not help Need support Thanks
Hello, We have made the necessary changes, please try activating your Parallels Desktop license on your new device. Thank you.
Hello, Could you please provide us a screenshot of the error message if you try activating your Parallels Desktop license onto your new device ? Thank you.
Sorry, not possible at the moment. I did not get the new M4 and did not install Parallels yet. So I will ask You again when the change is done. Better would be, when You could reset my activation limit now (in advance), thanks
Hello, Thank you for reaching out. As requested, we have reset the activation limit for your license keys. Thanks
Hello, I have same problem !! Hi, I tried to install Parallels on my new M4 Mac MINI. Previously I had it on an Intel Mac. I tried to follow the instructions on your site, but unfortunately it did not work. Can you reset the license so that I can use it on this Mac? I would be very grateful for an answer. Error: "This license has reached the activation limit and can no longer be used to activate new product copies." Thanks
I am trying to use Parallels for Mac 20 on a new Mac I just purchased (and move the license from an existing Mac). It keeps saying activation limit reached. I signed out of the old Mac, but there's no where on the web site inside my account that I can find to deactivate and existing installation so I can use on a new Mac instead. Why can't we just move these licenses as needed? Please help?
Hello, I recently attempted to activate my Parallels Desktop 18 license on a new device and received the following error message: "This license has reached its activation limit and cannot be used to activate new copies of the product." Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the previously activated devices. I kindly request your assistance in resetting the license or providing a solution to resolve this issue so I can continue using the software. Licence key *****-5MVNPN Thank you in advance for your support! Best regards,
I have the same issue, cannot install Parallels on Mac after replacing motherboard. Message reads 'This licence has reached its activation limit, etc.." Please reset activation limit.
I got a new Mac and I am facing the same error. Nobody answers me on messenger or twitter This license has reached its activation limit and can no longer be used to activate new product copies
Greetings @PCSB The necessary changes have been made and you may now make use of the license key. Thanks!
WHY I CAN'T GET ANY HELP ????????? it has been days since I contacted Parallels. No one is answering my request.