Got an email stating my subscription will renew in 30 days? How do I cancel it so I am not charged again?
Hello, Thank you for reaching out. We could not find any valid subscription using your current email address. To have more information on how to manage auto-renewals, please go to the link Thanks
I was just charged for this even though you and I saw that there were no valid subscriptions. How do I cancel this and get my refund back? This seems to be a common problem with you guys. People receiving notice of renewal but there is no where to cancel.
Hello, It seems you have another account registered with Parallels. We have sent a private message for additional information. Thanks
I have a similar problem, I want to unsubscribe, but the way you suggest to do it according to the instructions doesn't work. How do I cancel my subscription?
Hello, Thanks for reaching out. We have verified your account and could not find any valid license key using your current email address. We have sent you a private message, please check it and provide us with the requested information. Thanks
Good afternoon, you still haven't done anything, you just attempted to debit the account again. CANCEL YOUR SIGN UP! This is becoming illegal! You're acting like a fraud. Why can't you just cancel the subscription? Why is it so difficult?
I am trying to cancel my subscription and auto-renewal, but I couldn't find where to do this in my account. Could you please manually cancel my subscription and deactivate any auto-renewal options? My subscription number is n° S38095514.