Hello, I bought Parallels on April 10th, and I never received the email with the activation key. (Sorry that this was so long ago, I am in college and had to put this whole thing on the back burner because of final projects.) Please help. Sincerely, Nathan (A broke college student who just wants to play Minecraft with his friends on Bedrock)
Based on your description: can you confirm you bought the "Parallels Secure Workspace" product? Currently, it would mean you bought a license for 20 users? Or did you mean to post in the Parallels Desktop forum? Where did you buy the license?
I'm a Mac user and bought the standard edition for students. I realized I posted it to the wrong thread after I posted yesterday but didn't know how to delete my post. So sorry for the confusion.
Hello @NathanielM3 , I have sent you a private message. Kindly check your inbox for further information. Thanks!