Archlinux graphics glitch

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by BlueDeviL, Nov 8, 2022.

  1. BlueDeviL

    BlueDeviL Bit poster

    Hello folks
    I am using iMac with intel
    Parallels 18.0.1
    I have a guest machine: Archlinux (updated), parallel tools(added)
    I dont know why but I have a graphics problem. The xf86 drivers I have installed are:
    • extra/libxxf86vm 1.1.5-1 [installed]
    • extra/xf86-input-libinput 1.2.1-1 (xorg-drivers) [installed]
    • extra/xf86-video-vesa 2.5.0-3 (xorg-drivers xorg) [installed]
    Please check the image below:

    Attached Files:

  2. (GalaxyMaster)

    (GalaxyMaster) Hunter

    I am in the same boat as yourself. I believe it is attributed to that XSAVEC issue (a change has been introduced in kernels 5.19+, see This results in many applications crashing -- the most noticeable on Arch are Chromium and anything that uses its rendering capabilities under the hood, e.g. any Electron app. I am currently surviving by using Firefox with hardware acceleration disabled.

    I think you can combat the majority of the graphics issues if you revert back to the prl graphics drivers from the recently introduced virtio-gpu, but I think the proper fix should come from Parallels by addressing XSAVEC issue (which all the competitor fixed like an year ago) and also reviewing how their virtio-gpu is exposing its interfaces (there are some issues with the selected IDs for that device, so some libraries cannot recognise it as a virtio-gpu:

    [galaxy@archlinux ~]$ lspci | grep -i virtio
    00:05.0 Ethernet controller: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio network device
    00:0e.0 RAM memory: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio memory balloon
    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio GPU (rev 01)
    [galaxy@archlinux ~]$ cat /sys/devices/pci0000\:00/0000\:00\:01.0/vendor
    [galaxy@archlinux ~]$ cat /sys/devices/pci0000\:00/0000\:00\:01.0/device
    [galaxy@archlinux ~]$
    The device, IMO, is supposed to be 0x1050 for the device if it tries to mimic Red Hat's virtio-gpu, but I am not that knowledgeable in the virtio space, so I may be wrong here.
  3. BlueDeviL

    BlueDeviL Bit poster

    Hello again. The issue is still goes on, unfortunately. Do parallels team any plans to fix this in near future guys?
  4. (GalaxyMaster)

    (GalaxyMaster) Hunter

    Unfortunately for members of this forum, I think, but fortunately for me, I ditched my subscription to Parallels in favour of running my VMs under UTM (not something for the light-hearten and lots of missing features, but the speed and stability of running VMs are amazing and I forgot patching kernels as a distant nightmare). I also switched from Intel to ARM64 (M2) and needed something that could run my x86_64 on ARM. With some trickery using Rosetta, I am able to do it with UTM while Parallels Desktop still can't do it.

    Anyway, locate the mentioned XSAVEC thread and try the "kernel.xsavec=0" boot option for the VM in question. It helped me and I did not revert to the prl drivers (so it was working fine with the virtio-gpu).
    BlueDeviL likes this.
  5. BlueDeviL

    BlueDeviL Bit poster

    Dear GalaxyMaster thanks a lot for your directions. I also have disabled hardware acceleration. And I did not encounter the glitched that I have attached above. Unfortunately my arch vm is way more slower now.
  6. Eugen

    Eugen Bit poster

    Parallels 19.1.0. The problem is still presented. The boot option "kernel.xsavec=0" doesn't fix it. The disabling hardware acceleration works but makes scrolling notably laggy.

    Attached Files:

    IliyaL1 likes this.
  7. IliyaL1

    IliyaL1 Bit poster

    Hi all! I'm having the same issue with latest version of Parallels 19.2.1, on Intel, and Linux Mint 21.3. If I disable 3D acceleration the issue is gone, but the VM is barely usable.
  8. MatteoB8

    MatteoB8 Bit poster

    Same here, parallels 19.2.1 on Intel macBook pro 2020
    I tried several distro
    - ubuntu 20.04LTS
    - ubuntu 23.10
    - mint 21.3
    - arch with gnome

    I've the same kind of graphics glitch with 3d acceleration enabled. Without 3d acceleration VM are not usable.
    On Windows11 VM I don't have any issue
  9. Avinash Bundhoo

    Avinash Bundhoo Staff Member

    In order to proceed with further investigation, kindly provide us with the below information:
    1. Reproduce the issue.
    2. Collect a technical report (right-click Parallels icon in Dock > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and send the report's 9-digit ID in a reply.
    Thank you!
  10. LucaZ

    LucaZ Junior Member

    I am in the same situation, I would say since I started to use Parallels Desktop version that introduced the Virtio GPU support and using Linux kernel higher or equal to 5.15. Also, with Linux Mint 20 and Linux kernel 5.4, no problem at all. I tried a lot of different GUI, without success. These artifacts continue to appear. This is the case for both Linux Mint and Ubuntu in my case. What should I do? In precedence, I had poor scrolling experience, sent a report as requested, and no more answer. Since I pay for such a product, I would expect some kind of response.
  11. MatteoB8

    MatteoB8 Bit poster


    I'm sorry but I don't have time to do your job, the internet is full of this post, you must install a distro linux inside a VM on a mac (with intel proc) and see the mess that result.
  12. Eugen

    Eugen Bit poster

    Hi Avinash,
    I've reproduced the issue and collected technical data on the last Parallels version (19.4.0), the last kernel (6.9.3), and the last mesa (24.1.1). Would you like for me to post this report's ID right in this thread?
  13. LucaZ

    LucaZ Junior Member

    No more info about that issue that persists, support said a while ago no ETA on such issue, but keeps to ask for report to be sent. Can we have a solution? Other VM softwares are not affected but such annoyance for Intel machines....

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