Problem with smart card

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by LeszekZ, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. LeszekZ

    LeszekZ Bit poster

    I have a Macbook Pro 16 M1 and I installed parallels WIN11, one of the programs I use requires a USB 2.0 smart card, here is the problem, installing the card in WIN11 takes ages and when it finally does, the message "smart card unknown" is displayed and the program does not start, the message "no hardware key" appears (it does not see it).There was the same problem two years ago with WIN10, I was in correspondence with the support, and not only me, because there were also posts on the forum. After some time, they released a fix and the problem stopped by itself. Currently it's the same again on WIN11, technical support won't respond for several days, does anyone know the problem??? Know how to help?
  2. Trishna Oobeyram

    Trishna Oobeyram Staff Member

    1. Reproduce the issue.
    2. Collect a technical report (click Parallels icon || > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and send the report's 9-digit ID.
    We will be waiting for your reply.
  3. LeszekZ

    LeszekZ Bit poster

    I already sent a report to help but I did it again, report number 448516970, when I generated a report in the WIN11 system, only the smart card reader was visible again, the smart card did not appear. Sometimes it appears as an additional device (this should be normal). First of all, I don't know why it's not there sometimes, and secondly, even when it's displayed correctly, the program doesn't see it and reports a hardware key error.

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