Since updating my MBP M1 to Sonoma, Parallels is barely useable. VMs constantly crashing/freezing. Parallels not starting at all. It takes minutes to do anything. Has someone experience in downgrading to P17? Everyone in my team has the same issues after updating to Sonoma.
We are not having that problem. The approach we followed was to upgrade to Parallels 19 first, then after checking that our VMs were all working, we upgraded to macOS Sonoma. I vaguely recall people having issues who did the macOS upgrade first, but in any event, you should move to Parallels 19.
Parallels Desktop 17 isn't fully compatible with macOS Sonoma, kindly try upgrading to Parallels Desktop 19.
Hi. I'm having severe trouble as well to run a Windows 11 VM on Parallels 19.2 after upgrading to MacOS Sonoma. All became very unstable, nothing runs well -- not even Task manager. Won't install things properly, won't shut down or restart. Please help. Ty.
Hello @DavidL81 , I've moved your support ticket directly to the Second Line Support queue. Please expect an email from us shortly.
You said everyone on your team is having the same issue. I assume this is a dev team in some corporation. Is it possible there is some corporate security software that is not fully Sonoma compatible and is causing the issue? Maybe backup up your VMs, do an uninstall of Parallels, reboot, reinstall and see how it goes.
My problem was related to having 2 installations of Parallel Tools. How that came to be, idk. Still, uninstalled them both, then reinstalled the latest one. Tks for the support, parallels team.