Parallels 19 & Mac Sonoma - Unable to Print

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by TWR3MBA, Sep 30, 2023.

  1. TWR3MBA

    TWR3MBA Bit poster

    I have three macs on Parallels 19 and recently upgrade all to Sonoma. Every since I upgraded, I have no ability to print from the VM on any of the computers. I have Reinstalled Parallels Tools, removed printers, reinstalled printers to no avail. I have spent endless hours with Parallels supports, uploaded tech data files, etc. Apple changed the printing protocol with Sonoma and Parallels is not compatible.

    When will this be fixed?
  2. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Best Answer
    Hi @Bernardo1 ,
    Do I get you right that you also don't have the 'Show Page Setup Before Printing" option?
  3. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Actually, Parallels Desktop is compatible with macOS Sonoma: to let you use printing on macOS Sonoma we've reworked printing in Parallels Desktop 19 to use IPP printing on macOS Sonoma hosts. As I can see, your case has already been escalated to our Development team for further investigation. We'll keep you posted once we get any updates.
  4. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Hi Sveta,
    Would you provide more details about your issue, please? What Parallels Desktop version do you have? What's the macOS version installed on your Mac?
    What exactly happens when you try to print?
    Additionally, please collect a technical report while the issue is being reproduced (click Parallels icon > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and send the report's 9-digit ID in your reply.
  5. NguyenN7

    NguyenN7 Bit poster

    I was able to make it work but there is constant problem with paper type which I managed to fix but the printing order is currently reverse to what is set (back to front but it is printing as front to back)
  6. NguyenN7

    NguyenN7 Bit poster

    Previous version Parallel 18 with Ventura also had a problem sending correct printing command from Windows to MacOS, but Parallel 18 had an ability to "Show Page Setup Before Printing" which allow me to correct incorrect command but now it is gone. Why did you remove it?
  7. RodrigoC11


    Recently I updated macOS to "Sonoma" and was using Parallels 18. Until then, I had no issues with printing my documents. However, when I updated to Parallels 19, it stopped working. I've already removed printers and reinstalled them without success. What I can do now is send directly to the printer without opening the settings and preview. I used the print management function quite a bit to generate PDFs, but it no longer opens.

    Is Parallels 19 not compatible with Mac Sonoma?

    When will this be resolved?"
  8. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    The 'Show page setup before printing' and 'Print to PDF Mac' options have been dropped in Parallels Desktop 19 running on Mac computers with Sonoma as a main OS. It's done due to the changes introduced by Apple in the Sonoma release. Parallels Desktop used macOS frameworks to make these options work, but it's no longer possible to do that on macOS Sonoma.
    Anyway, we've introduced a new printing feature - IPP printing, that brings additional printing options and a more stable experience. If you're used to work with the 'Print to PDF' option, you can use the 'Microsoft Print to PDF' option as a workaround. It doesn't work for all paper sizes (e.g., if you use a CAD application in Windows and need to save the file in A0/A1 format, which are yet to be supported in Microsoft Print to PDF) but you can print the file directly from the VM and select the needed size right from there.
  9. Bernardo1

    Bernardo1 Bit poster

    hi, i have the same problem using windows 11 in MacOs Somona. Here is the report id 440160351
  10. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Best Answer
    Hi @Bernardo1 ,
    Do I get you right that you also don't have the 'Show Page Setup Before Printing" option?
  11. Bernardo1

    Bernardo1 Bit poster

    No, my problem is the following:
    Recently I updated macOS to "Sonoma" and was using Parallels 18. Until then, I had no issues with printing my documents. However, when I updated to Parallels 19, it stopped working. I've already removed printers and reinstalled them without success.

    Is Parallels 19 not compatible with Mac Sonoma?
  12. Avinash Bundhoo

    Avinash Bundhoo Staff Member


    Please note that for Mac OS 14 Sonoma, the shared printing option for Show page setup options before printing is no longer available. Apple has dropped PostScript from macOS 14: Print to PDF (Mac Desktop) and "Show page setup" features have been dropped in PD19. In PD19 we've implemented a new feature specifically for Windows 10+ VMs running on macOS Sonoma hosts in i.e IPP printing.

    If you have a postscript printer installed on your Mac and you are sharing it with a Windows 11 virtual machine, you will need to delete the printer and add a new Printer using the IPP protocol. To set up IPP printing, please follow the steps below:

    1. On your Mac, Go to "System Setting" > "General" > "Sharing" > Enable "Printer Sharing"
    2. Click on the "(i)" symbol for the "Printer Sharing" setting > Select your printer > Set "Everyone can print"
    3. Go to your virtual machine > Select Start > Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners .
    4. Open Printers & scanners settings > Click on "Add Device" > Then Click on "Search for devices"
    5. Check if your printer is listed.

    If it's not listed, please Add the Printer on your Mac using the IPP protocol.
    To be able to do this, your printer needs to be connected via the network and you will need to set up an IP address for the printer.

    1. On your Mac, Go to "System Setting" > "Printers & Scanners" > Click on "Add Printer"
    2. On the second option, configure

    Address: Printer IP address
    Protocol: Internet Printing Protocol - IPP
    Name: Printer's name
    Use: Printer's driver

    3. Test if you can print.

    4. Once the printer is added using the IPP protocol, check (While the virtual machine is shutdown (Action - Shutdown), Open the configuration page and navigate to Hardware > Shared Printers> Printers then check if Share Mac printers with Windows 11 is enabled)

    5. The printer should automatically be displayed under "Printers & Scanners" on the virtual machine. (Restart the virtual machine if it's not the case)

    Let us know if the above steps helped.
  13. XinL1


    I have the same issue. But for your instruction of "3. Go to your virtual machine > Select Start > Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners .", I couldn't find this path. Please help.
  14. XinL1


    And I can see all my Mac printers in windows, they just don't print.
  15. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    Please note that we have opened a case and reached out to you via email for further assistance.
    Thank you.
  16. Joe Z

    Joe Z Bit poster

    Hi I'm having the same issue. I've reinstalled using the IPP protocol. I can see the mac printers in my VM settings, but when I go to print a pages, it just says "Error printing to printer, the printer couldn't print page."
    Can I get someone to help me troubleshoot this?
  17. RichardU

    RichardU Bit poster

    The only reason I have subscribed to Parallels for at least the past twelve years has been to obtain support for Palm Desktop under legacy system Windows XP Pro. After recently upgrading to Sonoma, I have learned that I'm now unable to make use of Windows XP Pro. I have been told that Parallels no longer supports Windows XP Pro because it is no longer supported by Microsoft. This is not an appropriate response since Microsoft has stopped supporting Windows XP Pro many years ago, but Parallels has continuously supported Windows XP Pro as a VM until recently when it upgraded from Parallels version 18 to 19. At the suggestion of Parallels tech support, I have subsequently downgraded from version 19 to 18, but my Palm Desktop still does not function as before. Since this legacy use of Parallels has been my only reason for subscribing to Parallels all these years, unless this situation is rectified, subscribing to Parallels will no longer have any utility for me. Moreover, it would have been much more efficient for both for me and your support team, if there had been a caution communicated prior to the most recent Parallels uipgrade that an upgrade would disrupt the future use of Windows XP Pro as a virtual machine in Parallels.
    Yours truly, Richard Ulster ([email protected])
    JimC25 likes this.
  18. GeorgeMichael

    GeorgeMichael Bit poster

    Problems Printing with Parallel Desktop (16, 17, 18, 19) and MacOS Sonoma (14.2.1) running Windows (XP, 7, 10)
    Everything worked fine with my VM for years and only needed some upgrades to newer Parallel version once in a while.
    I upgraded to Sonoma last month, and ran PD 16 with no major problems (or I didn't notice any problem). Last week I tried to run PD 16 and had so many bothering interruptions that I was forced to upgrade to PD 19...
    But now, PD 19 doesn't work properly with my Sonoma version: All printers I have in the MacOS are recognized properly, but when printing anything, it just don't print anything (and no error whatsoever). I tried deleting the printers in PD 19, resetting, reinstalling PD/tools, deleting and reinstalling the printer in the MacOS (and reinstalling again in PD), and after several hours doing this I gave up so I tried to go back to PD 18 and same problem (and not even the Mac to PDF option worked in PD18; just created a empty file). Downgraded to PD17 and same problem, downgraded to PD16, and same problems: No printing (even the printer spool thinks it did) and empty files created in Mac Desktop when using the "Mac to PDF" printer (in PD 16, 17 & 18)...
    Check all permissions for sharing printers in Mac OS and everything is fine...
    Last thing I did was deleting PD, reinstalling it again and now not even the PDF files are created empty (just things it did but nothing is created); reinstalled the tools, and same...
    Send 2 request for support to PD help desk, and not even a reply yet...
    Any ideas???
  19. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    Hello @GeorgeMichael,
    Your case, with reference 45*****17, has been escalated to the second line of technical support.
    You will be contacted shortly though your email.
    Thank you.
  20. BuckA1

    BuckA1 Bit poster

    Is there an update on this I still canot print
  21. MelissaP4


    I am unable to add my Lexmark printers with the correct driver. I would like the Lexmark driver. I have installed the driver on the parallel but it does not show up in the manufactures/drivers when adding the printer. I try to reinstall the driver and it asks to repair or remove. I try to add the driver as 'have disk' when installing the printer and once I set the path and press OK, it just goes back to the screen wanting the path again. The parallel also will not add the network printers (which are mostly Lexmark) This has caused me to have to create a separate printer on our print server just for our MACs, and the printer has a Microsoft driver (eventually it will not do something a user wants because it doesn't have the Lexmark driver.
    I have even tried a local printer. Installed the MAC Lexmark universal driver that supports ARM and intel. The MAC side finds it and adds it (user can not load her presets for the printer and she has like 15 presets and would prefer not to have to recreate them, it is shared so it comes up on the parallel side - but no Lexmark driver... this printer has a stapler, booklet and other options that are not available because of the incorrect driver. Because of this and her drawing tablet also not working correctly with the MAC, I am upgrading her Dell to win 11 so that she is able to effectively do her job. She is just going to take the MAC with her when she travels.
    But it would be nice if it were much simpler and would actually work, especially for the network printers. I do not have any of these issues with my actual windows machine. I have done this through print management as well as through printers & scanners
    What am I missing?
    MacBook Pro - Apple M3 Pro - Sonoma v.14.5

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