[Licensing] Use one license on several personal computers

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by RyanM8, May 31, 2017.


Easy to use facility to switch license between computer systems

  1. Yes, great. need one

    171 vote(s)
  2. No

    10 vote(s)
  1. Bhargava

    Bhargava Bit poster

    Hello, please DM us with your payment reference number or the Parallels Desktop for Mac license key so that we can initiate the refund. Thanks.
  2. Lapsusone

    Lapsusone Bit poster

    My refund is complete. Thanks.
  3. Bhargava

    Bhargava Bit poster

    Thank you. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
  4. GuentherG1

    GuentherG1 Bit poster

    Hello, wanna activate my license on new Mac but can't access my old Mac do disconnect license there. I get the following message after: "License is used on another MAC ... ", then I click "activate on this MAC". -> Message: "The process cannot be executed: the license Key is associated to another account. Please log in with that account and try again". But I don't have another account. Pls help, thanks

    Attached Files:

  5. Bhargava

    Bhargava Bit poster

    Hello, we have sent you a personal message. Please provide us with the Parallels Desktop license key so that we can check this further. Thanks.
  6. GuentherG1

    GuentherG1 Bit poster

    Good day and thanks for your feedback!
    I could not wait and decided to get refund for my old license extension, and since that was granted I
    Purchased a new license

    So you can close this request.

    Very best regards,
  7. Bhargava

    Bhargava Bit poster

    Thank you. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
  8. RazK

    RazK Bit poster

    You can install your license on two computers, Mac or Windows, but those computers cannot run simultaneously.
  9. NikitaA3

    NikitaA3 Bit poster

    Totally agree with author
  10. shanums

    shanums Bit poster

    I would like to use more than 4 CPU/8GB in Standard version as it was possible in all previous versions up to Parallel Desktop 10. Please vote if you like it too.
    oztrev likes this.
  11. fatimaa2

    fatimaa2 Bit poster

    Thank you for letting us know about this feature. It's a great idea to consider.
  12. Paddy

    Paddy Bit poster

    Just want to chime in here. Was a Parallels user beginning with the very first Intel iMac. Later switched to VMWare Fusion as I found it to be more stable, even if providing fewer features. With the latest announcement from Microsoft re: official support for Windows ARM on Fusion, and given the state of same on Fusion, I was all ready to switch back to Parallels. Was all ready to check out and almost pushed the button but then noticed the "one computer" limitation. Nope. I'm happy with a license tied to a person and a limitation of devices that can be activated (so long as at least two), but a machine license won't cut it. As a user with a desktop and a laptop used at different times and different purposes, I need a license scheme that will allow me multiple machine activations. Adobe can manage it and Tower can manage it (big and small companies) so surely Alludo (or Parallels or Corel or whoever you are now) can. Until then, a lost sale.
  13. TimO5

    TimO5 Bit poster

    Sorry to jump in, if this is the wrong place/time.
    I have a 2019 macbook that was my first mac. Because I wasn't sure I'd like using MacOS, I bought parallels and ran Windows 10 when necessary (intel mac). Over time, I didn't have to do that hardly ever, and it became that I only used parallels a couple times a year. But, I do value the ABILITY to run windows if I ever have a task necessary. The first couple years I upgraded and renewed, and then I think I stopped around Parallels 15 or 17 since it's a permanent license. Unfortunately, I accidentally let it upgrade to parallels 18 and now that license is no longer valid.

    Flash forward to 2023 and I bought a new M2 macbook (still keeping my old one too). I wanted the ABILITY to run windows, and also was curious what Windows 11 looked like, so I bought a permanent license for that macbook. Turns out I think windows 11 is trash, so I hope to never use it. But, I do like Fedora linux so maybe that will be handy from time to time.

    Anyway, as I understand the licensing, you need 1 per computer. Considering that I probably won't run any of these even once in a normal month, buying 2 licenses is out of the question. I may only run it 5 times a year, if that. But, somewhere back in this thread way back was a link that is no longer valid about getting a discounted license in a 2-pack. I actually would pay a little to have a 2nd permanent license if that is an option, but I can't find that option. I also saw it mentioned more recently that you just can't RUN the 2 parallels instances at the same time. THAT is easy to comply with. If I can use the same license key but never use it simultaneously on my 2 macbooks, that would be an ideal situation. Is that true that I can do this without violating licensing? If so, I'll do that.

    I should say that I am a very heavy virtualbox user, on my linux systems, and that is my favorite (and free) virtualization app, and if it comes to it, I'll run their beta M1 compatible version on the macbook. But, I do find that parallels runs better on Mac systems. So I'm trying to find a good way to give myself the option to have 2 useable systems without tons of cost. What is my best option?
  14. MrCmonster

    MrCmonster Bit poster

    I'm in the same boat here. I get not being able to RUN it on multiple computers at the same time, but I can't even activate it on two computers at the same time. This is ridiculous considering that it's a subscription. I mean I guess I can switch which one is activated at any given time since I'll mostly be using it on one computer, but it's still a stupid limitation.
  15. GjorgiV

    GjorgiV Member

    I may have to use Windows as a guest OS on my MacBook. I already have a Parallels licence and am running a Windows guest OS on my Mac Studio. So help me here understanding this: in order to get a guest Windows 11 installation on my laptop, will I need to buy an additional licence from Parallels for the laptop?
  16. mrkapqad

    mrkapqad Bit poster

    Hello ,
    would like to inquire on your 2-license-rebate,
    is this policy still active?
    Can one get a discount for a perpetual licenses to use on 2 Macs_?
  17. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    In accordance with the End User License Agreement terms and conditions, a Parallels Desktop for Mac retail license can only be used for activation of Parallels Desktop for Mac on a single Mac machine at a time.
    If you wish to use Parallels Desktop on 2 different devices, you will have to opt for 2 Parallels Desktop licenses.
    Kindly refer to this article for more information: https://kb.parallels.com/112971
    Thank you.
  18. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    Unfortunately, at the present, there is no such offer available on our website.
    However, if you have a previous version one-time license of Parallels Desktop (old version which you are not using), you may opt to buy for a Parallels Desktop Upgrade License at a lower price using this link: https://www.parallels.com/eu/products/desktop/buy/
  19. KemalD

    KemalD Bit poster

    Hello,I can't reach my old Mac and ı can't disconnect my old Mac on the parallels desktop because of that ı could not using parallels.İs there anybody can help me this situation.
  20. Avinash Bundhoo

    Avinash Bundhoo Staff Member

    Thank you for contacting the Parallels Support Team.
    For more investigation, kindly provide with the following information:

    1. Detailed explanation of the issue you are having with.
    2. Screenshot of the issue, if any.

    We look forward to your reply at your convenience.

    Have a nice week!

    Thank you

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