Parallels Desktop Doesn't Recognize My Game.

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by KadirD2, Mar 5, 2023.

  1. KadirD2

    KadirD2 Bit poster

    Hello, Parallels Desktop generally perfect and is super power in games. But, I'm playing Metin2 and Parallels Desktop doesn't recognize Metin2.
    This problem did not exist when there was an intel processor, I am using m1 and now this problem exists. The GPU doesn't even tire itself, it's at most 15%, but I want it to use more power. I can get 50+FPS, I can afford it.
  2. KadirD2

    KadirD2 Bit poster

    Sorry, I will add; I used 5 different virtualizers to solve this, but none were as good as Parallels Desktop. Parallels Desktop is incredibly stable and lossless.
  3. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    For us to better understand and investigate the issue that you are facing with Metin2, kindly provide us with the following information :
    1. Detailed explanation, with all steps by steps followed, to reproduce the issue.
    2. Screenshot of errors (if any).
    3. Kindly start your Parallels Desktop, turn on your Windows Virtual machine, and please collect a technical report (right-click Parallels icon in Dock > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and provide us with the report's 9-digit ID.
  4. KadirD2

    KadirD2 Bit poster

    Thank you for answers. The problem is Parallels Desktop is not using its power in my game. My FPS 8 but this game is not new, old and basic graphics.
    This is screenshot;
  5. Trishna Oobeyram

    Trishna Oobeyram Staff Member

    Thank you for your quick response.
    In order to investigate the issue, please provide us with a technical report:
    Start Parallels Desktop, turn on your Windows Virtual machine, and please collect a technical report (right-click Parallels icon in Dock > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and provide us with the report's 9-digit ID.
    Moreover, does having the low FPS, affect the gaming experience ? Is the game playable or the performance of the game is degraded ?
    We look forward to your reply.
  6. KadirD2

    KadirD2 Bit poster

    Thans a alot. I do;
    My Id:420143722

    We can play this game at +50 fps even with processors 10 years ago. Fps too low, not using computer power. FPS is 60 when in an empty area, but drops when you go to the city. Even the name of the objects lowers the fps. This only happens with this game, the game is old and Gameforge is not fixing this game.
  7. KadirD2

    KadirD2 Bit poster

    this is the way it should be; Metin2 | Dispare con GeForce - YouTube (a free, publicly available youtube video.)

    Look at the smoothness, the fps is high despite the crowded game objects. look at the smoothness, the fps is high despite the crowded game objects. Parallels Desktop can do this because I used to play like in the video above when I had an i5 7260u processor.
  8. EfimF

    EfimF Bit poster

    While I haven't personally used Parallels Desktop myself, I can understand your frustration with the issue you're facing. It must be disappointing when a game you enjoy, like Metin2, isn't being recognized properly on your M1 processor. Although I can't provide specific advice for Parallels Desktop, I can tell you that I've had a great experience with gaming applications in general. It's always exciting to dive into different virtual worlds and explore new adventures. If you're looking for alternative options, you might consider exploring other virtualization software or even native gaming on your M1 processor if possible.
  9. LazowyL

    LazowyL Bit poster

    Have you checked your game settings within Parallels? Maybe there's an option that needs tweaking to make it utilize more of your GPU's power. Also, make sure your Parallels Desktop version is up to date, as they often release updates that address compatibility issues.
  10. YevgenyS

    YevgenyS Bit poster

    Hi - The advice above is not useful to those of us who have modern Macs running M1 chips. (for example BootCamp is no longer an option).
    I've seen conflicting info online as to whether M1 machines can run DirectX12 Windows 11 emulations and before banging my head against this any further would really appreciate a definitive answer.
    For what it's worth, I'm positive that a huge portion of the Parallels community is using it specifically and exclusively to play games (mostly on Steam) which more and more require DirectX12 so if this is not feasible you're going to see a huge level of attrition in customers.

    So - with more feeling... IS THIS DOABLE today (November 5th 2023)? And if not - when will it be?
  11. KadirI


    kadir merhaba dostum. ben de parallels üzerinden metin 2 oynamaya çalışıyorum ama yeni nesil m2 işlemcilerde olmuyormuş sanırım . ben açmayı beceremedim sen nasıl açtın oyunu bana da yardımcı olabilir misin ?

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