How to stop top bar popping up in Windows

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by DanH5, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. MeyerJ

    MeyerJ Junior Member

    Can any user of the new version confirm, that this issue has been solved for Parallels Desktop V13?
  2. DavidH15

    DavidH15 Bit poster

    It's better but not perfect, every now and then it appears but seemingly with no rhyme or reason. I cracked in the end though and went back to coherence because I found a setting that overlays both the normal Windows Start/Taskbar with the Mac Dock and the two work pretty well together. I will say the v13 upgrade installer is pretty stuffed though, for me on three of five machines it crashed pretty bad at 15% loading Parallels Tools and in one instance completely corrupted the PVM so I had to revert to an external backup - so ensure you do this before upgrading (first time ever), but otherwise v13 is pretty good and quite a bit faster.
  3. ReneH5

    ReneH5 Bit poster

    I'm running PD 18.0.1 and I'm unable to resolve this issue. Clicking on my Windows desktop then clicking Ctrl and Alt (which seems to have been a fix before) doesn't do anything for me. Any other suggestions? I'm surprised that this wouldn't be an option somewhere to uncheck.
  4. KevinS25

    KevinS25 Junior Member

    ReneH5 Ticking the "Optimise full screen for games" in the Options/Full Screen menu, stops the top menu from appearing.
    The downside is that the Mac bottom task bar doesn't appear now, so I have to switch back to IOS by "Control+Left arrow"
    to use any Mac programs.
    AzinS likes this.
  5. ReneH5

    ReneH5 Bit poster

    Thanks for the reply! I did enable this setting and it seems to be better. It's still not ideal. As mentioned earlier in this thread, if they only had an option to hover the mouse for a few seconds to get the toolbar to appear all would be good.
  6. KevinS25

    KevinS25 Junior Member

    I've now found a solution hat works for me.
    Having set up as described above, if I want to bring up the IOS dock, or drop down the top bar,
    I just left click on the desktop (or blank part of a program I may be in) then press and hold CTRL and tap ALT.
    This changes the mouse cursor to a Mac cursor and if I go dow to the bottom of the screen the dock will appear, and likewise up to the top
    the top menu bar appears, so I can quickly start a Mac program.
  7. KevinS25

    KevinS25 Junior Member

    Forgot to add, left clicking the mouse again brings back the Win cursor, if I didn't change to IOS.
  8. ReneH5

    ReneH5 Bit poster

    That's brilliant! Thanks for the tip! How on earth did you find that?
  9. KevinS25

    KevinS25 Junior Member

    ReneH5, I got it from the posts at the beggining of this thread, and the post from MeyerJ, and then just played around with it! :)
  10. ReneH5

    ReneH5 Bit poster

    Playing around with this a bit more, seems that you don't have to click on anything first. If you're in Windows and just press Ctrl+Alt then you can get to the Mac toolbars.
  11. KevinS25

    KevinS25 Junior Member

    So you can! Even better. :)
  12. Amit4


    Thank you all, so going to settings -> Hardware -> Optimize for games.
    Then -> Ctrl + Option ( To switch back to mac mode ).
    Is the solution
    Adeboye Adeotan likes this.

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