How to stop mirroring Windows desktop on Mac?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by JJR512, Jan 29, 2023.

  1. JJR512

    JJR512 Bit poster

    I have Parallels 18, Windows 11, and Mac OS 13.2.

    I would like to stop the mirroring of the Windows desktop on my Mac. Icons that appear on the Windows desktop should not appear on my Mac desktop. In the configuration settings, in Sharing, on the "Share Mac" tab, the "mirror Mac and Windows user files" is checked, and in the customization for that setting, everything is checked EXCEPT desktop. I say again, desktop is NOT checked. I have restarted the computer (the actual Mac) since un-checking desktop, yet the mirroring continues. If I delete something from the Mac desktop, it disappears from the Windows desktop. If I add something to the Windows desktop, it appears on the Mac desktop.

    How can I make it stop?

    (Disclaimer: I have searched in Google and found some results for older versions of Parallels that do not seem relevant to 18. I've searched in this forum but could not narrow the results down to anything helpful.)
  2. Nazeemabanu@P

    Nazeemabanu@P Moderator

  3. JJR512

    JJR512 Bit poster

    But...I literally already explained that I've already unchecked that box. Unchecked it, shut down Windows/Parallels, and restarted that Mac. It's still mirroring.
  4. Nazeemabanu@P

    Nazeemabanu@P Moderator

    Hello @JJR512, we have created the support ticket#3932655 to assist you further, please check your inbox **r*1* for the same. Thanks.
  5. PratikP1

    PratikP1 Bit poster

    Is there a solution on this yet?

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