Migrating VM to new iMac

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Parallels User, Jun 21, 2022.

  1. https://kb.parallels.com/122702#section5

    Hello All,
    So reading the above instructions on getting TPM enabled ( worked just fine thanks ) and clicking Keychain within my iMac's iCloud to back up the crypto keys (check) I read the section on moving the VM over to a new mac.. Okay, that's fine, if you're using iCloud (Yes I am using the same Apple ID etc, etc for the current iMac I'm using and would be when I get a new one years later, down the road). So here's my question. Instead of using iCloud to migrate everything over, can't you use the Apple Migration assistant tool, or whatever it's called? When I got this iMac I'm currently using (2020 Retina 27'' display running Big Sur v11.6.7 -- and eventually will be installing Monterrey or even Ventura when it's released, but I won't be getting a new iMac for at least a few years so maybe this post is essentially moot?) I was able to use the Migration Tool (you know, when you put both iMacs next to each other and pull all your dat over to it over wifi or the LAN) and everything worked fine. Parallels gave me no errors of any kind (granted both are Intel chip based Macs), and I'm assuming that's because it was Windows 10 in the VM. But I probably will update to Windows 11 a bit from now, and I'm also guessing that by the time I buy a new iMac (this is for work), Apple will not have Intel based iMacs available, so an M? whatever chip will be on the new iMac. Is Migration assistant going to fail? Has anyone -- now -- migrated a windows 11 VM from an Intel -to- M1(2) based mac? I didn't see those instructions in the above article? (was there a link, do I need new glasses? Do I even need to worry about this, because I am, even though it's years away. )

    Thanks for all the help,

  2. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hello, it is not possible to migrate a VM from Intel Mac to M1 Mac. In this scenario, you can transfer the data from Intel Mac to M1 Mac by following this KB article.
  3. Hrmmm. Okay, right-clicking on the VM doesn't give me the option to 'Show Hard Disk Contents'. Is that only available once the VM is on the new Mac?

  4. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hello, can you please help us with the screenshot of the error?
  5. Here you go

    Attached Files:

  6. Nazeemabanu@P

    Nazeemabanu@P Moderator

    Hello @PhilipB5, Once you move the Windows 10(x86) VM to M1 Mac, navigate to the 'control center' of Parallels, and there perform a right-click to see the 'show harddisk contents' to copy the contents as mentioned in this link - https://kb.parallels.com/125344. Thanks.
  7. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hello, we appreciate your response.

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