Why does Windows 11 keep pausing?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Don Awalt, May 6, 2022.

  1. Don Awalt

    Don Awalt Hunter

    I am on a MacBook Pro 2019 (Intel).....I am on the latest version of Parallels 17. If I am working on my Mac, frequently I slide over to my Windows VM (which is full screen/non-coherence), and it is paused! I do not have Configure/Startup and Shutdown/Pause Windows after.... set. Why does it keep doing this?

    Thanks for your help - very maddening!
  2. GampaA@P

    GampaA@P Pro

    Hello DonA2, please refer to the knowledge base article to fix the full-screen issue. Thanks.
  3. Don Awalt

    Don Awalt Hunter

    Thank you @GampaA@Parallels, but do you have a link to the article? I did a KB search and a Google search on site:kb.papallels.com, and I saw nothing on a Pause issue in full screen for Parallels 17 and Windows 11 under Monterey. Thank you for your help.
  4. Don Awalt

    Don Awalt Hunter

  5. Don Awalt

    Don Awalt Hunter

    OK, I'll assume this means there is no knowledge base article, as I didn't find one either. Thanks anyway! I assume this is a bug.
  6. Nazeemabanu@P

    Nazeemabanu@P Moderator

    Hello, Let us know how will you swipe between Mac and Windows virtual machines in full-screen mode with a trackpad or keyboard, If keyboard which key combination do you use? Also try to uncheck/disable the 'Pause windows after' option under windows configuration, refer to this link - https://kb.parallels.com/6860. Thanks
  7. Don Awalt

    Don Awalt Hunter

    Just use one of the trackpad gestures on the Mac to swipe over to the VM window and back - 3 finger swipe to the right.That checkbox has been unchecked all along...I did try setting it and unchecking it again.
  8. SheamusM

    SheamusM Bit poster

    Is there a fix for this? I am having the same issue with Windows 11 & Parallels 18.1.1 on a Mac air with M2 chip. Very maddening indeed and I've tried unchecking the pause windows after 30 seconds etc..., reinstalled Parallel Tools etc... Every time Parallels loses focus (I open Safari on mac for example), any process running is paused. The second I return focus to the parallels vm, the processes continue. Prior to this I was on Win 10 on an older intel chip mac air and everything was fine. Veryyyy frustrating

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