Display resolution: Only option is 1440x900

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by sean22, Nov 11, 2021.

  1. sean22

    sean22 Bit poster

    I'm running a MacOS Monterray guest OS on a MacOS Monterray Host but the guest OS resolution is only 1440x900 and Display settings have no other options. In Parallels Control Center there is no gear icon next to the MacOS as there is for another Ubuntu VM.
    Is there any way to raise display resolution to 1440p or even 2160p? I have a 2021 Mac Mini M1 with 16gb ram.
    PedroS9 likes this.
  2. sean22

    sean22 Bit poster

    Forgot to mention that resizing the guest OS window scales it up or down, it does not change guest OS resolution. In Display settings selecting a fixed resolution has only the 1440x900 option, selecting scale, scales it as mentioned.
  3. sean22

    sean22 Bit poster

    Parallets Tools is installed. I am able to copy/paste text between host and guest os.

    Technical report id: 383187479
  4. sean22

    sean22 Bit poster

    • The host is also Mac Monterray except on 2160p/4k, a Mac Mini M1 (ARM64) with 16gb ram.
    • I am interestingly able to get Ubuntu 20.04 at any resolution I want by resizing. Not the Mac though.
    • Parallels 17 seems to tell the guest the display is an "Apple Virtual Display" hard capped at 1440x900 with no other resolution options.
    • Installing parallels tools on the guest. I can do bi-directional copy paste. The resolution cap persists.
    • Switching between a fixed 1440 x 900 and "scaled"
    • Holding Option, Command, and other modifier keys while clicking on "scaled" to try to unlock hidden resolutions technically supported by the display
    • Using a program called SwitchResX to try to unlock hidden resolutions or set a custom resolution.
    • I notice there is no guest OS gear icon next to Mac Monterray guest as there is for Ubuntu 20.04 guest.
    • Resizing the guest window continues to stretch the screen instead of increase/decrease resolution, the desired behavior
    Is there any way to raise a MacOS Monterray guest os's resolution?
  5. MatkatMusic

    MatkatMusic Bit poster

    I'm experiencing the same issue with a Big Sur VM after updating Parallel Tools a few days ago.
  6. KevinB7

    KevinB7 Member

    I am having a similar problem (created a thread) with Monterey on Apple Silicon (I assumed it was a silicon issue, but seems widespread):
    1. No Configure menu item
    2. No Clone option Greyed out
    3. No Snapshot menu items
    4. No gear icon in Control Centre
    5. Parallels tools (although I say install) appears not to
    6. Cannot size the screen, ie. parallels tools seems not to be installed
    This is a complete shambles. And in addition, Windows ARM has no Dropbox. The running windows11 ARM (incredibly niche and only for Surface X devices AFAICT) on macOS business model is now if not completely gone then fading fast and I'm thinking Parallels will not have a business when Apple move completely to ARM (you cannot get an intel macBook on their website now) and the older intel based systems dies out.
    Brian33 likes this.
  7. KevinB7

    KevinB7 Member

    Sorry, I see the OP is running a mac Mini on M1, so it probably is a crap version of the Apple Silicon implementation. I have no issues with Monterey on my 2020 i9 based iMac.
  8. Zoran1

    Zoran1 Bit poster

  9. KevinB7

    KevinB7 Member

    Thanks for that, and wouldn't you think Parallels would advertise this total lack of functionality in their speil about V17 on their website. There is a disclaimer in very fine print at the bottom that says features only available on intel are marked with (*). I didn't find and (*) next to any of the features. This is complete Garbage.

    So when you say Fixed in new version, is that just wishful thinking or do you know of a new version about to be released?
  10. Zoran1

    Zoran1 Bit poster

    Wishful thinking :)
  11. Y__8

    Y__8 Bit poster

    Same problem here, if Parallels doesn't fix this, having a guest OS X is not really usable.
  12. MattG14

    MattG14 Bit poster

    Piling on to the list of people with the issue. With the hopes that it gets some attention and is fixed in short order. I am a bit disappointed that I spent the cash on this in the current state. :mad::(:(
    Saggyhaggis and JesseM5 like this.
  13. BernardH

    BernardH Junior Member

    I too am disappointed with this lack of support from Parallels. It is not fit for purpose.
  14. Robert39

    Robert39 Bit poster

    Same issue here. I also noticed the "Delete" key no longer works in a MacOS guest machine on an M1 mac. With the gear icon I imagine one can map the key in the keyboard ssettings, but without the gear, out of luck.
  15. Zoran1

    Zoran1 Bit poster

    Yep :( A lot of projects on GitHub at the moment offer the same functionality as what Parallels does right now.
  16. WilliamR7

    WilliamR7 Bit poster

    I was surprised to learn that the Parallels macOS Monterey M1 Apple VM only supports 1440x900. I spoke with a Parallels person who confirmed that you cannot scale the VM resolution to meet the host machine's resolution (unless, of course, you are using 1440x900). I also confirmed that if you see a fuzzy display, that is part of the same problem (which I assume is because the current driver does not support retina/non-hidpi). The support person informed me it has to do with (a) Parallels Tools not installing with macOS Monterey on M1 and (b) there being problems with Apple "locking down their code," whatever that means. Notice that if you attempt to install Parallels Tools, it looks like it installs, but they are not present when you restart.

    I am super frustrated with this. After all, I spend my money on Parallels because I use virtual machines to create training, so I am posting this to let you know Parallels is aware and offers no workarounds while they work on the problem.

    Someone else already posted this link:

    And this is what it says (tucked away down at the bottom of the page):
    "Apart from that it is currently not possible to adjust guest macOS screen resolution in real-time mode when resizing ratio"​

    I asked what "real-time mode" is, and the support person told me, "any time you are running the VM." Then I asked if you could change the resolution before launching the VM and was told, "no, because you cannot access any settings for a macOS Monterey M1 VM".

    The support person also informed me they have been having many problems with the Windows 11 release (17.1), which resulted in another release (17.1.1), and are still having problems. I got the impression that Windows 11 support is taking a front seat to macOS Monterey M1 support, although that was inferred and not stated.
    BernardH likes this.
  17. SeanK7

    SeanK7 Bit poster

    I'm also affected by this issue - I'd been using Ubuntu in parallels to run HPRGS (to workaround a VPN thing), however since moving to the M1 the RGS application no longer installs under the ARM64 Ubuntu build. So I think to myself - I'll just run OSX the OSX build with Rosetta. This all launches and connects cleanly, however with the res capped at 1440 it's pretty useless.
  18. AndrewC42

    AndrewC42 Bit poster

    Same problem but with a new Intel Mac Mini hoping to run Yosemite. I downgraded from 17 to 16 because of the jumpy cursor issue and now I find I cant get the resolution I need. I'm wondering whether I shold buy after my tial period
  19. GabrielS11

    GabrielS11 Bit poster

    I learned it the hard way too.
    No way to adjust the network configuration? Or does anyone know of a way to let the VM talk directly to my DHCP server (Bridged mode)?
    At this point the VM is entirely useless for me.
  20. AlexeyM5

    AlexeyM5 Bit poster

    Create config.ini file inside VM package with this:
    Network.Type = 2
    Brian33 likes this.

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