It would be very interesting if you allow us, in some cases, to be able to choose to run the machines in the background, only visible in the Control Center...
Hi Miguel, This is already possible. See for details. You can either use the "Always ready in background" option or if you have Pro Edition, you can setup VMs with more granularity. E.g. do not start a VM on Mac start, but keep it running when you close VM window.
Your link would be more helpful if it actually went to the part about HOW to do that. Where da heck is that "Always ready in background"? Same question for the different (?) instructions for Pro.
Clarification -- I want it actually running-- not going suspended. Suspending Windows while it is updating, indexing, is counterproductive. I need to be able to use my Mac while Win does the time consuming taking-care-of-bussiness stuff. Quit insisting Win has to be in the foreground !!!!
Hi Gregory, Sorry for the link, this is the topic that I initially tried to share: You can enable "Always ready in background" and close Parallels Desktop when you don't want to deal with Windows, while it will keep on doing their stuff and be ready to start Windows apps in a second.
Thank you for that clarification -- that I will definitely give it a try. My reading/ previous understanding was it hibernated whenever it was not in the forefront.