M1 Installation Issue - Windows will not connect to internet

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by ScottS36, Jan 28, 2021.

  1. StephenM20

    StephenM20 Bit poster

    OK I believe I fixed the no internet when running the parallel app. within the app you need to disable IPV6, once I did that the internet immediately returned. I think in all the massive readings on this, someone mentioned it but it was not clear what exactly what he did. anyway I think I will buy the app now.. I do wish support was more proactive.. anyway, it working. MacBook Air M1 11.6 using parallel 17 the latest of everything.

    question for those using parallel should I just make a one time purchase or subscribe? I am not a developer so I don't make money off this, this is just a hobby... thanks..
  2. StephenM20

    StephenM20 Bit poster

    Can you defined limited functionality? I looked at the comparison chart of the standard versus pro's and I don't need anything beyond the use a virtual 2 PM chip. My usage and set up is simple. Just playing with windows and Linux. The few VM they use will not be any kind of production as I said just accessibility on my MacBook to do small tasks with the different flavors of operating systems. If it will let me do what I'm doing right now in the trial which is simple just spun out a couple PMs and playing with them that's it. Please advise and thank you
    I suppose after a few years if it stops functioning I can always just buy another copy or subscribe, thank you
  3. StephenM20

    StephenM20 Bit poster

    Exactly that is what I was seeing... MacBook Air M1 is currently limited by its hardware already. although I love the performance as is, I have 16 GB or ram on my Mac, so the 8gb and 4 CPU cores limitation fits perfect for now.. thank you so mu h for the detailed reply.. and regarding virtualization I am just a hobbyist.. :). thank you.. but may be a subscription will future proof this :).
  4. LisaC5

    LisaC5 Bit poster

    Thank you @StephenM20 for sharing this. I have the same issue and I am not a technical user. No internet on windows or host mac when I have parallels turned on. I too am on Mac 11.6/M1 2020 and Parallels 17. I had a screen share session with support which ended abruptly and no solution. I tried calling back in today and the wait was too long I was informed I should call back at another time. After reading this thread, I tried plugging back in to ethernet, it all works (good thing I have an adapter since Apple now thinks we will all always have access to wireless!). I am not technical and have no idea how to disable IPV6 and actually the screen shot on the support site looks nothing like my screen shot, so it appears to be outdated. Anyway, this will work for me for now, but this is really unacceptable support experience and they need to fix this soon, otherwise their program is useless.
  5. StephenM20

    StephenM20 Bit poster

    It's ironic that I should get a reply regarding this Internet issue. When I fixed it with the eval version, before I bought it, I was able to go to the Network tab in the Parallels Desktop configuration section. This allowed me to turn off IPv6 and everything work through Wi-Fi. However this morning I wake up I fire up my VMs, I have been working for months and discovered I had no Internet access. I thought I would check the solution I perform before but to my horror when I opened up the Parallels Desktop configuration section there was no network tab. to Clarify, I have the standard version I paid out right for it because I figured I did not need any other updates as I'm just a hobbyist. In any case in doing further research I discovered that that tab, Network Tab, does not exist if you do not have the pro or business version. I happen to find other work around such as turning on Internet sharing within the Mac. However that will give me Internet access momentarily and then it would switch back to no Internet in my VM's. I then frustratingly made a call to support. I explained in detail my journey but the engineer/technician seem to be more in wanting to in the car and had me just jump around reinstalling the parallel tools, which I don't use. And then having me reboot my Mac and my VM's repeatedly. He basically gave up and said that he will send a link out to me in which a technician will connect to my Computer to resolve the problem. I did not receive the email and link until about 30 minutes later and then when I clicked it I had to schedule a session which is later this evening 6 PM my time. Simply ridiculous. Anyway from hearing your experience it sounds like the call this evening will probably do no good. I'm perplexed why they would remove the ability for me to configure the network settings in my VM in my own home. I guess I'm mostly offended by the fact that they try to force you into the subscription, anyway hopefully I'll get some resolve. Yes it works OK when connected directly to the Internet but when using Wi-Fi this is where it starts to choke, again. The whole reason for having a laptop is portability, anyway I digress..
    I understand the challenges that we will have since were early adopters using the Apple with the M one, but I happen to love this machine. So I expect some hiccups now and then but when I resolve the problem early on before I purchase the product, I didn't expect it to go belly up and then not able to fix it again because they decide to remove a feature. I've been running a Windows network for a long is that crew member at home and I never had issues using Microsoft VM software. Especially when it comes to network access. Parallels has made it so difficult, anyway I will continue to find a solution
  6. StephenM20

    StephenM20 Bit poster

    Ok, just got off the phone with support to confirm what I discovered. they must have changed something because this did not work in the past, but anyway.
    In your VM Configuration select network and change it to default adapter.. and it worked Internet is back. I am purplexed because this did not work when I fist installed this.. but hey im happy...

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