UEFI date command, doesn't work?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by JohnD44, Apr 17, 2021.

  1. JohnD44

    JohnD44 Member

    Hello everyone. I'm trying to install a very old version of Mac OSX, which requires the system date to be set around the year the OS was released. I set up a new VM, pre-OS install, and got to the UEFI shell. "help date" provides the syntax as you can see in the screenshot below. However, when attempting to set the date, the command seems to take, but does nothing.


    Of course, I've set time to "do not sync"

    Any suggestions? Thanks.
  2. mmika

    mmika Pro

    Why did you not follow to this KB?
  3. JohnD44

    JohnD44 Member

    Because that is not the solution - this is not a code-signing issue. The installer will not even begin to boot without the date being set on the machine first. The only way to set the date on the machine is through the UEFI, and that appears to not be working - probably a Parallels bug. Any ideas why the UEFI date is not taking?
  4. mmika

    mmika Pro

    The easiest solution is to change date on Mac HOST at the installation stage.
    I.e. disconnect Mac from network, change date/time on host, start the VM, pass problem stage, suspend/stop the VM, enable network on host (change date back if not set automatically)
  5. JohnD44

    JohnD44 Member

    The Mac is a server, running many VM's and hundreds of TB's of storage - I cannot take it offline (except for scheduled maintenance), and changing the date would have disastrous consequences, so unfortunately that's not an option. Sure wish the date command in the UEFI worked like it should...
  6. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Hello! Generally, the KB https://kb.parallels.com/124403 should be helpful for such cases. Have you tried following the steps from it? If not, I'd advise you to give it a try. If the issue still persists, please create a ticket to reach out to our Support Team: https://my.parallels.com/support/ .

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