Keep getting "subscription expired please renew" notifications

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox for Mac' started by jdxjohn, Jan 25, 2021.

  1. jdxjohn

    jdxjohn Member

    I have been using Parallels through several versions and have always had Toolbox alongside that. I recently upgraded to Parallels 2016 and now I keep getting told my Toolbox license has expired.

    In my account I hold the following active licenses:
    • Parallels desktop 12, parallels toolbox (permanent)
    • Parallels desktop 13, parallels toolbox (permanent)
    • Parallels desktop 14 upgrade (permanent)
    • Parallels desktop 16 (permanent)
    I also have some expired Toolbox subscription licenses. Everything seems to be working OK (I don't really know what toolbox does) but it's annoying I can't seem to stop these notifications, seems a bit of a tangled mess of licenses and subscriptions. Any suggestions how to resolve it?
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, did you try to logout and login again into your Parallels Account?
  3. jdxjohn

    jdxjohn Member

    Where does Parallels desktop have that option @Maria@Parallels? Doing it on the website is not going to fix anything.
    I can't see how to provide a ToolBox license at all.
  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Please sorry for the misunderstanding. Could you provide us with your Parallels Toolbox license key via the private message please?
  5. JohnH66

    JohnH66 Junior Member

    Since upgrading I keep getting messages saying my Toolbox subscription has expired. I have been using Parallels for about 10 years and have never been asked to pay for a separate subscription for Toolbox before. Can you please explain what is going on here?
  6. JohnH66

    JohnH66 Junior Member

    So getting no reply I asked via Messenger to be told "upon checking with your account we found you have purchased Permanent license key. Thanks, Parallels Team."
    This doesn't explain why I had access to this included but since spending money on an upgrade no longer have it.

    What I do want to be able to do right now is to stop getting a nagging notification every ****** morning telling me my "trial" has expired, that I can't find a way to turn off.

    Parallels Support, can you please tell me how to get rid of this notification once and for all?
  7. JohnH66

    JohnH66 Junior Member


    Parallels Support, can you please tell me how to get rid of this notification once and for all?
    It really is getting tedious now!
  8. JohnH66

    JohnH66 Junior Member


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