Parallels 3.0 Not Working in Leopard 10.5

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by rempe00, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. budjames

    budjames Junior Member

    Parallels 3.0 working fine on MacPro 8-core and MacBookPro

    I upgraded my MacPro 8-core and MacBookPro 15" last week to Leopard. I use Parallels on both machines to run WinXP Pro SP2 because I use ACT! 2008, Internet Explorer 7 and MS Office 2007 to run my business.

    The MacBook Pro runs fine after the OS upgrade without any problems. Not the same for the MacPro. I had uninstall/reinstall Parallels and create a new virtual disk inorder to get it to work.

    It's been a week since then and all is running fine. I say that with fingers crossed.

    Bud James
  2. Scott Willsey

    Scott Willsey Hunter

    Well, I'm using Parallels 3 5160 in Leopard with both spaces and time machine running and I've had no issues to date.

    Macbook Pro Core 2 Duo 2.16 Ghz with 2 gigs of RAM.

    [email protected] Member

    I have the same MBP but with 4gb ram. Parallels Build 5160/XP Pro SP2 is crashing in the background when I am working in Excel 2004 in the Mac environment. Does not appear to be any problems when I am working directly in Parallels/XP.

    I have done Items 5 and 6 workarounds.

    I have sent emails with crash logs to Parallels Support.

    Had the same problem when I was running Beta 5540, but I am not sure if I was in Excel at the time.
  4. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Dear moas,

    You've encountered the problem that can arise on rare occasions when you have several video cards on your Mac Pro. Our developers are fixing the issue. Please sorry for the inconvenience caused.
    Could you please disable one video card and let me know the result?

    Best regards,
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2007
  5. charlieeck32

    charlieeck32 Bit poster


    I have been reading this site almost daily since the I installed Leopard the day after it's release. My machine has been fairly stable with the exception of the know disc mount error. I have not seen anything on the following issue though...maybe I missed it, but it doesn't show up when I search for it.

    How do I install the Leopard drivers in Windows XP. I installed windows directly without using bootcamp, so I don't have the beta bootcamp drivers. The MAC drivers in Leopard don't seem to work...

    In addition, are their any issues anyone has found on the beta version?

    Thanks in Advance.
  6. lloyddoppler

    lloyddoppler Bit poster

    another happy upgrader

    Same here. I upgraded yesterday expecting the worst and haven't had a single issue (knocking on wood). I have the same configuration except I have 3 gig instead of 2.
  7. charlieeck32

    charlieeck32 Bit poster

    Upgraded To Beta, Thank God, But Still Need Help

    Just downloaded and installed the beta version for Leopard for my Macbook Pro. It works like a charm... all problems were eliminated and I got my XP link back on my mac desktop! To my amazement, XP booted twice as fast, and I never had speed issues before. Just started playing with it and everything seems faster.

    Still need to figure out how to get the apple/mac windows drivers from the Leopard DVD to install without using Boot Camp. Can anyone help?

    [email protected] Member

    My Mac drivers are working fine in Parallels/XP, but it could be because I previously installed Bootcamp. However, I did install Parallels/XP on a second MBP without installing Bootcamp, and all my Mac stuff seems to be working - again this might be because I used the Leopard migration application to install my applications including Parallels/XP.
  9. Confidemusfsc

    Confidemusfsc Bit poster

    Parallels only works with administrator user

    I discovered the following:
    After upgrading to leopard I had to reinstall parallels. This worked fine so far. Than I found a difference between the two MacBooks we have. With one installation it worked fine and with the other Parallels crashes every time.
    The only difference is:
    With one installation my default user is "standard", with the other MacBook the default user is "administrator". With an user as administrator Parallels works fine, with a standard user it does not work. The situation is that the installation on both MacBooks has been done with an administration user. So on the second MacBook the users I used for installation of parallels ("administrator") and for usage "standard" are different. So I assume that problems of Parallels usage is somewhere located with rights management of files.

    Any ideas?

  10. mteahan

    mteahan Bit poster

    XP Pro that I installed before upgrading to Leopard works fine after upgrading to Leopard; the latest beta of Parallels seems fine.

    I cannot install Vista, however; it hangs on the please wait screen for hours or more commonly refuses to recognize either the dvd or an ISO image of the dvd. I installed an old SP4 version of Windows 2k to try to upgrade within the W2k VM but it hangs after the activation request.

    Any ideas? I haven't seen anything mentioned like this yet.
  11. wkharris

    wkharris Junior Member

    Switching Back!

    Well, I have always liked Parallels since the 2.0 days but this version 3 just is not dependable enough to use anymore. I am on a direct first name basis with customer support of my never ending XP unexpected quit problems on my MacBook Pro! I have sent crash longs, reviewed installed apps, etc.

    I have tried all of the suggestions here, I have done the uninstall/reinstall, blah blah blah and nothing has fixed this...

    So I give up until I see a version/build of this puppy that works! I switched back to VMware 1.1 RC - and guess what all my problems went away! I worked for 10 hours today with absolutely no errors or unexpected quits!

    All the bells and whistles are great but if the product is unstable I just can't use it!

    Please fix this ASAP!
  12. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    mteahan, could you please specify the PD build you are using and your Mac model? Could you also send me the output with the .pvs file which you may find in Mac HD -> Documents -> Parallels?

    wkharris, did you try excluding your VM from Time Machine?

    Best regards,
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2007

    [email protected] Member

    Xenos - did you receive my 4 emails with the crash logs. I keep getting emails back saying to use the web site, but cannot upload attachments. Please give me an email address where I can send the logs. My email address is [email protected]

    [email protected] Member

  15. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Kevin, I've received your letter. Thank you. I'll try to answer you as soon as possible.

    Best regards,
  16. wkharris

    wkharris Junior Member

    YES - still does not help
  17. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    wkharris, we suppose you've encountered the problem that can arise on rare occasions when you have several video cards on your Mac Pro. Our developers are fixing the issue. Please sorry for the inconvenience caused.
    Disabling one video card should help.

    Best regards,
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2007

    TURTLESHEAD Bit poster


    I installed Leopard an existing VM will now not work.

    Stupid question maybe but can the windows data be retreived?
  19. mteahan

    mteahan Bit poster


    I installed 5540 after no success with the previous build (current stable release).

    I am using a macbook pro with 2 gig/2.33

    I removed the vista folder after it failed to load, but will try again and retain the .pvs file to get to you.

    Any tips on my next attempt? I am tempted to transfer a working image from one of my other macs.

    I aslo tried installing via boot camp to have PD point to it instead, but there is a hidden partition (PD Win XP installation??) that is preventing me from installing boot camp without reformatting the drive.

    Thanks in advance
  20. bconnolly01

    bconnolly01 Bit poster

    I have a question... I had Parallels running fine on my first launch after the Leopard upgrade ... I of course was playing with Spaces and moved it to a new location then quit and restarted my Mac ... Now when I open Parallels "unexpectedly crashed" dialog. NOw I have done everything I could think of (beta, following the workaround steps, uninstalling reinstalling) ... Is it possible that my Spaces pref file is causing a problem? Any idea where I could find that to test. Just not sure why it would work and then no longer work.


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