Is anyone experiencing Mac "Re-Starts" when using some Windows Applications under Windows 10? The Applications work for the most part but on occasion, I am getting Mac "Re-Starts". The problem is not on the macOS Big Sur side, since it NEVER "Re-Starts" when Parallels is not running. I have the following installed. macOS Big Sur (v11.0.1) Parallels Desktop 16 for Mac (v16.1.1 - 49141)
Hello, could you clarify please: did you get any specific error message or you Mac just restarted? Did you Mac restart when your start Parallels Desktop or start VM, or start any specific application in your VM?
I have done some further investigation and it seems, that the "Re-starts" occur, when I have a Windows side (Parallels) application running and leave it running for lets say, 5-10 minutes without doing anything. For instance, I go and leave the computer unattended. But also, it seems to only happen if I leave it unattended with the mouse pointer within the Parallels side application. If I pull the mouse pointer out, to the Mac side, it never re-starts. A strange problem.
Also, I forgot to answer your question, "did you get any specific error message or you Mac just restarted?". No, I get no error or any messages, the Mac just "restarts". I have checked ALL of the settings on both the Mac and Parallels sides where there is anything to do with "Sleep" mode or similar things and I have turned them OFF or selected "NEVER", so as to eliminate "Sleep" mode as the cause.
Thanks a lot for the clarification. Could you collect the tech report once the issue reproduced please and post the report's ID number here?