System Extension disabled - Security & Privacy pane does not provide option to Allow

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by MattB18, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. MattB18

    MattB18 Bit poster

    I have just accepted an automatic upgrade to Parallels 16.1.0. After the upgrade a pop-up "Launch Parallels Desktop" comes up asking me to Allow "Parallels International GmbH" extension under Security & Privacy. Although the OS popup stating that the extension is blocked appeared just after the installation, the Security & Privacy area where the "Allow" messages normally appear is empty. Still, whenever I try to run Parallels all I get are the directions to allow the extension. Please advise. As it stands Parallels became completely useless.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

  3. MattB18

    MattB18 Bit poster

    Yes - I have. My point is that the item highlighted in the second illustration in this KB article (Screen Shot 2017-08-14 at 12.18.44 PM.png) does not show up at all. Thus I never get a chance to click "Allow". My problem is not with inability to click the button but rather with not having a button to click in the first place.
  4. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Let us know the macOS X you are using. You can run the First Aid, restart the Mac and try installing. If the issue persists, let us know to assist you further.
  5. RonJ1

    RonJ1 Bit poster

    I have the same issue - there is no parallels international in the list to allow in the security - so cannot open parallels anymore as it keeps asking to allow when not there. macOS 10.15.7. Rebooted - same thing.
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, did you check this KB article?
  7. RonJ1

    RonJ1 Bit poster

    as the OP says, this does not apply. There is no allow of this name shown at all so you cannot do anything.
  8. MattB18

    MattB18 Bit poster

    I am running macOS Catalina 10.15.7. Tried First Aid and reboot - same issue.
  9. MattB18

    MattB18 Bit poster

    it looks like completely removing and reinstalling parallels has solved the problem
  10. DavidL53

    DavidL53 Bit poster

    Has anyone found a solution to the problem discussed here? I have rebooted the machine, run First Aid, uninstalled Parallels and re-installed it from scratch, and tried the workaround in the KB article suggested above, but nothing works. Like everyone else here, I am being asked to allow "Parallels International GmbH" extension under Security & Privacy but the Security & Privacy area where the "Allow" messages normally appear is empty. (I am running Big Sur and version 16.1.3 of Parallels).
  11. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, could you collect the tech report once the issue reoccurs and post the report's ID here please?
    Also the screenshot of the issue will be very helpful.
  12. DavidL53

    DavidL53 Bit poster

    My report number is: 364332757.

    Attached Files:

  13. VTD

    VTD Bit poster

    In another thread there was a suggestion to switch the hypervisor from Parallels to Apple in the configuration->CPU->advanced settings tab
    That worked for me. It's an easy one to try before anything else.

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