What have you done to OpenGL in PD16?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by LoveK, Sep 2, 2020.

  1. LoveK

    LoveK Member

    Updated to PD16 and now Solidworks 2020 (the only reason I use Parallels) is acting up. Lines in sketches is not displayed correctly and this is a big issue! If I disable hardware rendering in Solidworks it works but in turn Solidworks is not usable.
    What have you done to the OpenGL part of PD in version 16? Is there something that can be reversed?
    I am not alone in this!

    Best regards, L
    AMC99, DanielG24 and RaffaeleD1 like this.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, could you please try to add this bootflag at the VM configuration: video.gl3=0 and check the issue.
    Also we've already escalated this issue to the Parallels Engineering Team, could you help us with investigation and collect the tech report once the issue reproduced
    (please do not forget to share with us the report's ID number)
    AlR5 likes this.
  3. LoveK

    LoveK Member

    Sorry, but I have downgraded to PD15 now to be able to work. Maybe someone else having this problem can help you out.
    AMC99 and RaffaeleD1 like this.
  4. RaffaeleD1

    RaffaeleD1 Junior Member

    Hello Maria, could you please explain how to do that? "could you please try to add this bootflag at the VM configuration: video.gl3=0 "

    Thank's in advance
  5. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Please open your virtual machine configuration -> Hardware tab -> Boot order -> click on Advanced settings and add boot flag into white box.
    DanielG24 likes this.
  6. RobertS66

    RobertS66 Bit poster

    I'm a newbie for both SolidWorks and Parallels, but I think your suggested flag is working for me.

    SolidWorks 2020 SP4 on Windows 10 using the reg patch.
  7. RaffaeleD1

    RaffaeleD1 Junior Member

    Hello Maria, Today I installed again Version 16 and upgrade to 16.0.1. Solidworks still doesn't work with sketches. Then I tried to use your suggestion by adding in boot menu' the text "video.gl3=0" and now everything is OK. It works very good and faster than version 15.
    Thank you.
    AMC99 and Maria@Parallels like this.
  8. AlR5

    AlR5 Bit poster

    This fix (upgrade to 16.0.1 and adding the text to the boot order field) works for me as well. The construction lines in Solidworks 2020 are back to having a dashed line style vs looking like regular lines. Thank you very much.
    Maria@Parallels likes this.
  9. LoveK

    LoveK Member

    Maria@Parallels likes this.
  10. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Thanks a lot guys for your feedback.
    Please let us know what we can do for you in the future.
  11. DanielG24

    DanielG24 Bit poster

    Thanks for this fix - I had just installed v16.1.0 and SW 2020 SP5, and was pulling my hair out fearing I would have to get a PC! I was actually having two issues. One was this graphics issue with sketches, but also a weird geometry snapping issue where a spline would appear to attach to the right spot, but then the end would bump to the origin. Strange. In any case, Support told me to install 16.1.1 and that seemed to solve the weird geometry behaviour (not sure why that would be...) but this text in the boot field solve the graphics. Fantastic - thanks!
  12. RaffaeleD1

    RaffaeleD1 Junior Member

    Maria, just upgrade to 16.1.1. Removed the flag "video.gl3=0". Graphics is fluid and Good job with splines, now are visible, but construction lines still have visualization problem. More, sketches are still very very thin and quite difficult to see. Attached an image. Please solve the problem, thank you!

    Attached Files:

  13. RaffaeleD1

    RaffaeleD1 Junior Member

    One more thing: SOLIDWORKS 2020 added the possibility to improve graphics performance with a flag in "performace" menu. (see attached image). I tried it on a certified solidworks machine and this option really improve the visualization and rendering with realview. Unfortunatelly solidworks on parallel does not allow to activate the option...... can you solve also this problem?
    Thank you.

    Attached Files:

  14. LoveK

    LoveK Member

    We will need PD to support OpenGL 4.5 for this one I think.

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