Problems with Nuance (Dragon) Download Manager

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by FionnbarL, Aug 18, 2020.

  1. FionnbarL

    FionnbarL Bit poster

    • Parallels Mac Desktop Version 16 standard
    • Running Windows 10 home standard (the default one included in Parallels). Not yet registered
    • Mac OS Catalina 10.15.6
    • Have bought Dragon Home Version 15
    The install works by you downloading and running a small installer called Nuance Download Manager. When I do this it appears to run but there is no progress with the download even if I leave it all night having disabled the Mac OS screensaver and sleep function. The download status tab says "creating download". The "performance" tab shows no data being uploaded or downloaded. The Mac laptop fan however seems to think something is happening as it is quite noisy when the downloader is running.

    The Windows 10 install can access the internet because Edge can load websites. The downloader is supposed to use HTTP. Ping from a windows console gives the same results as from a MacOS host terminal

    Any advice gratefully received

    Fionnbar Lenihan
  2. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Nuance is no longer support Dragon software in virtual machines. If you have everything working but only Dragon installer is not working then the issue is with Dragon installer. You can check with Dragon support regarding this issue.
  3. FionnbarL

    FionnbarL Bit poster

    Thanks. I got Dragon working fine with VMware Fusion trial version so this may be the way to go

  4. TylerB8

    TylerB8 Bit poster

    Hi Fionnbar,

    Forgive me going slightly off-topic but you seem to be the person on here with the most recent experience with Dragon. I was considering using Parallels but if VMware is the route to get it installed, then thanks for offering that nugget and saving me a lot of head-scratching.

    I'm trying to set up a new Mac for a 74yo with a nasty hand tremor and Dragon is the best route for him. I would just like to confirm before I pull the trigger on the purchase that you can use Dragon in VMware/Windows to dictate in Apple apps such as Word for Mac, Chrome, Pages, etc.

    Thanks in advance!
  5. ClaireG

    ClaireG Bit poster

    I encountered the same problem trying to download Dragon Professional Individual 15 using Parallels on Catalina. The Download Manager never progressed past "preparing download". I solved the problem by saving the download file in the C drive of the PC rather than in the MacOS downloads folder (which is where the file saved by default when I first tried to download it). Dragon is now installed and working in Parallels.
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, did you test the same behavior with Parallels Desktop 16?
  7. ClaireG

    ClaireG Bit poster

    Yes, this was with Parallels Desktop 16 running on Catalina 10.15.7
  8. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We understand that the Nuance Downloader is unable to download to a shared folder but can download the setup to Windows internal drive. Thank you for sharing this here. This will help other users who are facing the issue.
  9. Sonia3

    Sonia3 Bit poster

    Hi, I'm having this same issue, but that workaround didn't do it for me. I can't install Dragon with the Nuance Downloader. Any other suggestions? Thanks!
  10. Susan5

    Susan5 Bit poster

    I also wanted Nuance Dragon to speed up my writing, but I also love my Macbook Pro (BigSur) so downloaded Parallels and Windows 10. That was the easy part, I spend way too much time attempting to download Dragon and it did what the rest of you have said about running the computer but not doing anything else. Thank you ClaireG for suggesting saving onto C drive. Once I did that, the program downloaded. So thanks for your help.
  11. tblack

    tblack Member

    Yes, download it to somewhere in your C Drive and it seems to work ok. Don't download it to any folder shared with your Mac.
  12. RomainfeR

    RomainfeR Bit poster

    Dear All,
    I'm in the same dead end on my evaluation version of Parallels Desktop 17 on my iMac running macOS 10.13.6: I can't get the installer for Dragon Pro. Individual 15.3 to complete the installation process. I quickly have an error that says that "there is no appropriate version of Dragon for this utility on this system", even if the .exe of the installer is copied in the C: disk...
    Any suggestion ?
    This is the only reason I intend to buy Parallels Desktop 17...

    Thanks in advance !

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