Easiest workaround of all
I finally got the Alternate Install CD, did some experimenting, and tried out Xenos' suggestion and a few other things, and I think I have the easiest way to do the install.
First of all, it is worth it to use the Alternate CD instead of the Desktop CD. With the latter you will have to mess with the X server problem popping up when you start installing. With the Alternate CD you just select the "install in text mode" option when you boot up the CD and then don't worry about the X server until the installation is mostly done.
Xenos' suggestion has a problem that you cannot resize the screen dynamically even after installing Parallels Tools. The method I'll describe here does retain that feature. You can always fall back to Xenos' way if mine doesn't work.
1. Use the Alternate CD to install on a virtual machine with no less than 256MB and no more than 512MB of RAM. The larger RAM size may make the install go a bit faster. When you boot the CD, select the first option to install in text mode.
2. When the install gets to the point of asking you to select a screen resolution, be sure to select exactly one screen resolution, and make sure that it is the same as the current resolution of your monitor. I'm guessing that this is why some people found Alternate CD working and some did not. You may worry that such a resolution can't fit in your window when you are not running in full screen mode, but that's ok -- When you eventually install Parallels Tools, you will gain the ability to resize the window and have the screen resize withi it.
3. The installation should complete and you should be able to boot the virtual machine into Ubuntu. At this point the Parallels window will have scroll bars because the virtual screen is the same size as your full monitor. Login to Ubuntu, then select Action | Install Parallels Tools from the Parallels menu. That should connect the Tools CD and mount it, opening a file browser folder on it. Use Accessories | Terminal to open a terminal window with a command line prompt, then type
cd /media/cdrom
sudo ./parallels-tools.run
and answer appropriately to prompts.
4. Click on System, Quit, Restart in the Ubuntu menu.
If all went well, you should have a working Ubuntu system with Parallels Tools.
If instead you get the old X display problem, try the following:
5. Reboot the virtual machine and quickly, when Grub says to press Esc to get it's menu, press the Esc key.
6. Select recovery mode and type Return
7. This will boot into a terminal window command line with a root prompt. Edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf using your choice of editor, nano, pico, or vi
root@ubuntu:~# pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf
8. Scroll down to the Parallels Screen section and change the Modes line to some different screen resolution that your monitor supports. Try "1024x768" if you haven't already. If you don't find a resolution that works, then set it to "800x600" and do step 9, otherwise skip step 9.
9. If you did not succeed in finding a working screen resolution, follow Xenos' suggestion instead by adding the following to the end of the file:
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "Xinerama" "true"
10. Save the file, exit the editor, then reboot by typing
root@ubuntu:~# shutdown -r now
That should do it.
Last edited: Oct 30, 2007