Can't open Windows 10 - stuck on spinning device

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by tblack, Jul 21, 2019.

  1. HarryS5

    HarryS5 Member

    Lol, this is fantastic.
    My new instance has now down the same thing.
    Thanks for the great updates here.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Guys, we're working on it. detailed logs will be helpful.
    Also once we get any workaround or possible resolution we will let you know.
  3. JohnM81

    JohnM81 Bit poster

    i have same issue, PVM Will not start and it hangs my Mac completely if I try to start the virtual machine only way out is a hard reset of my Mac. I am trying the prl_disk_tool check --hdd right now But my Mac is completely frozen and I'm not sure it's doing anything it's been running for about two hours now I'll give it a bit more time before I do another hard reset this was working perfectly; now it's useless software
  4. JohnM81

    JohnM81 Bit poster

    rl_disk_tool check --hdd failed
    locks up Mac completely after an hour. have to power down and power on. log file says it need a consistency check, but check fails.
  5. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Thanks for your post. Parallels Engineering Team is currently working on the resolution.
    Detailed tech report will be helpful. Please collect the tech report and post the report's ID here.
  6. strells

    strells Product Expert

    I've now got this issue as well on a Win 10 VM. The problem with trying to get a technical report is that the entire Mac, especially Parallels itself, freezes when you start the VM (and you get the checking disk message), so I can't even go to the Help menu to select the option. Sometimes I can manage to restart or shutdown from the Finder, but more often than not, I'm having to do a force shutdown. This is bad.
    HarryS5 and MargaretD1 like this.
  7. strells

    strells Product Expert

    And like magic (and the way these things usually work), literally 5 minutes after posting above after another Parallels freeze, I rebooted, started Parallels, and was able to start my VM without issue!
    If it happens again, I'll try to get a technical report.
  8. MargaretD1

    MargaretD1 Junior Member

    Yeah, I've noticed, too, that it's totally random and some machines don't experience this issue, others are unusable and then, you reboot one and suddenly it's working! No sense or visible pattern to this, which makes it so frustrating. My feeling is something is trying to update something, but what??? I've disabled windows updates on the vms I was able to start and they still do it. I've also disabled tools updates... Not sure if that helped.
  9. strells

    strells Product Expert

    And now Windows froze again, bringing down my whole computer, again. I don't know if it's even possible to get a technical report when this happens since it kills the entire computer.
  10. JohnM81

    JohnM81 Bit poster

    you could not have explained my exact issue better...Windows 10 VM myself
  11. PaulG12

    PaulG12 Bit poster

    I was having that issue as well. I changed the Options/Optimization setting from No Limit to one notch under. I also changed Hardware/CPU & Memory/Advanced Settings Hypervisor from Parallels to Apple and unchecked Adaptive Hypervisor. It still hangs off and on, sometimes for minutes at a time, and slows down but I haven't had to force power off of my Mac since.
  12. Zerkalo

    Zerkalo Junior Member

    I'm having this exact problem. I've been fighting it alone for a week, and then I thought to check this forum. I tried everything suggested here including reinstalls. I understand that hundreds, if not thousands, of man-hours are being wasted and no solution is forthcoming. I wanted to ask people here what's the best alternative to Parallels?

    ps. For a while I got the 100% Progress on that command line command, but this morning I suddenly got:

    pdfm-bootstrap[1252] <Error>: prl_disk_tool[929]: Dispather last try output: Login failed: Unable to connect to Parallels Service. Make sure that the prl_disp_service process is active and it is not blocked by Firewall. For details, please refer to this knowledgebase article (
    Oct 4 09:27:58 pdfm-bootstrap[1253] <Error>: prl_disk_tool[929]: Failed to initialize Parallels Desktop in unattended mode.​

    Also, my .hdd file is called "harddisk.hdd" not "Windows.hdd" or whatever it was the Parallels Team think it's called.
  13. JohannesA3

    JohannesA3 Bit poster

    I'm also having all the problems that are described in this thread. Whenever I try to boot up my virtual windows 10 machine, Parallels crashes my MacBook COMPLETELY and I have to hard-shut it by cutting the power. Therefore it is not possible to send in any technical data, logging or spin dump at all. What should I do?
  14. DavidG47

    DavidG47 Bit poster

    Is there a way to get on a list to be notified when the engineering team finds a solution? My Macbook Pro is completely unusable. I can't even get to the Mac side because it boots directly to a black screen.
  15. PeterH40

    PeterH40 Bit poster

    I have had the same problem on a MacBook running Mojave (10.14.6). I tried the rl_disk_tool check --hdd and got the following reply: The "/Users..../Windows 10.pvm" directory does not contain any virtual hard disk images. Specify another directory and try again.
    I hope that this is helpful. I look forward to your repair instructions.
  16. Zerkalo

    Zerkalo Junior Member

    You need to open the package contents and then find the file harddisk.hdd. Yes, it really confused things when the parallels team claimed the file is called Windows10.hdd.
  17. JeffG6

    JeffG6 Bit poster

    Unable to run Parallels at all without freezing my MacBook Pro 15. In reference to the the harddisk.hdd and the contents. Where is this file expected to be located? Once found, it only needs to be opened??? This problems needs to be resolved. I spent far too much time trying to get work completed. I'm to the point of building a DELL Mobile Workstation. (Hope this gets resolved)
  18. WillA2

    WillA2 Bit poster

    getting this too on macos Catalina. didn't have issue on Mojave.

    cant get any work done, very annoying
  19. PeterH40

    PeterH40 Bit poster

    For what it's worth I have a Parallels 15 set up on my iMac and have not encountered this problem so far. The problem was isolated to my MacBook Pro. I just updated to Catalina and have yet to launch it on either system.
  20. WillA2

    WillA2 Bit poster

    I suspected this to be a disk issue, it seemed like the disk was locking up. I changed the disk from expanding to a fixed size. So far i am back to be being able to use the VM (it might just be that its not played up again yet...)

    Might be worth a go if others are still having similar problems.

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