Unable to Record Audio using Record Screen

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox for Mac' started by Shiwan, Feb 12, 2019.

  1. Shiwan

    Shiwan Bit poster


    I am using Parallel Toolbox for Mac. I am unable to record audit from Computer using Record Screen.
    I checked my laptop audio system and it is working fine. I could hear the audio when I am not recording the screen.
    When I trigger Record Screen, the audio automatically mutes.
    I also checked my Privacy settings and Parallel ToolBox had been checked to access audio.
    I am using macOS Mojave V110.14 if this info helps.

    I had sent a technical report - ID 298461829.

    Anyone, who can help? I need to record my lectures before they expire. :(
    Thank you in advance!
  2. KebhaK@Parallels

    KebhaK@Parallels Hunter

    Please uninstall and reinstall Parallels Toolbox then check the screen recording issue.
  3. sergk

    sergk Parallels Developers

    Hi Shiwan,

    You are planning to record your lectures that are being played in browser, I suppose? Do you need to record other sound except for lectures, from microphone e.g.?

    If you need only sound from lectures then you can change 'Record audio from' setting in Record Screen preferences (open Toolbox --> hover Record Screen with mouse --> press on 'Preferences' cogwheel near the tool icon). You have 'Same As System' audio source as I see from your technical report. It should be the microphone that is currently connected to your Mac.

    I suggest you to try other option named 'Computer'. This option allows you to record exactly the same audio that computer produces, without microphone-like distortions.

    Try it to record some audio from 'iTunes', for example, to make sure that it works for you correctly. Also it is good idea to check that recording of long period of time is correct too because your lectures could be quite long.
  4. Shiwan

    Shiwan Bit poster


    I had tried to uninstall and install - still does not work.

    Sorry I might had changed to "Same as System" audio source when I tried to troubleshoot. I was using the "Computer" option and that is what I usually use. The recording works find without using the Toolbox. The moment I trigger Record Screen with "Computer" selected as option for audit. It gets muted.
  5. sergk

    sergk Parallels Developers

    Are you using bluetooth headphones with microphone while facing the problem?
  6. Shiwan

    Shiwan Bit poster

    I am not. I am just using the audio from the laptop speakers.
  7. sergk

    sergk Parallels Developers

    So you stopped hearing the sound from laptop speakers after starting the screen recording?

    What about other recording tools like Record Area/Window and Record Audio. Do you have same problems with them?

    Another option I can suggest - use microphone as an audio source for Record Screen tool then start watching the lecture with sound from speakers. In this case the sound will be little distorted but at least you can receive the result.
  8. Shiwan

    Shiwan Bit poster

    Yes, if I don't trigger Record Screen. The audio works fine. The moment I trigger Recrod Screen, the audio gets muted.

    I tried. Same for Record window.

    I know I can use Microphone as the audio input for recording, but I'm trying not to record any background noise too, thus I was using audio input as a Computer.
  9. sergk

    sergk Parallels Developers

    have you checked sound that was actually recorded by Screen Record tool? may be audio was recorded despite the playing via speaker is muted?
  10. Shiwan

    Shiwan Bit poster

    I did check - I recorded part of it anyway and then play the recorded video to check.
  11. sergk

    sergk Parallels Developers

    And there is no sound in recorded video at all?
  12. Shiwan

    Shiwan Bit poster

    Yes. I can't find any solution now. I had been looking at my settings, but can't find anything amiss.
  13. BertW

    BertW Bit poster


    I'm having exact the same issue.
    Is there already a solution?

  14. Shiwan

    Shiwan Bit poster

    Hi Bert,
    I switched to use another app shortly after and recently came back to check if it still works and strangely it did.
    But I did have to first adjust the volume to the level I want to record and then trigger the recording.
    Sorry I am not of much help here, but hope it will work like it strangely did for me.
  15. BertW

    BertW Bit poster

    I installed the driver from Screenflick-loopback.

    Now audio is recorded when choosing source Screenflick Loopback.

  16. PatrykK1

    PatrykK1 Bit poster

    i have the same problem - with record voice - :( not goods - i dont know when ok when no ;/
  17. tiagoa

    tiagoa Bit poster

    I have the same problem, any news?
  18. BradW5

    BradW5 Bit poster

    Same problem the Parallels driver no longer works after Apple updates
  19. KirillBagrinovskiiy

    KirillBagrinovskiiy Parallels Developers

    Hi, can you check one thing? When you are recording screen using "Record Screen" with "Computer" selected as Audio Source try to open System Preferences -> Sound (Output tab). You will see Parallels Loopback device selected, and you will see Volume Control and Mute Checkbox at the bottom of the window. Make sure this checkbox is in unchecked state (look at screenshot). I hope my advice will help.
  20. EmilioA

    EmilioA Bit poster

    Now fixed. I had the same issue with the most recent update 10.15.5 of Catalina. I followed the instructions and now when the screen was recording the parallels Loopback device appeared in sound output and it was muted. When I unmuted it worked just fine, back to normal. Thank you KirillBagrinovskiiy.
    Maria@Parallels likes this.

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