Moving to a new iMac

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Hustiniano, Dec 30, 2018.

  1. Hustiniano

    Hustiniano Bit poster

    I run an iMac 27 inch late 2013, with El Capitain and paralllels 14 running windows 10. Within the VM win 10 I have two windows software products I run (MS Money and Quickbooks)

    I am going to buy a new iMac.

    Here are my questions:
    1) how do I transfer the paralells licence to use on the new iMac instead of the old?
    2) Can I just copy the Win10 VM file from my old iMac to then run under parallels on the new one - without having to reinstall win10 and my MSMoney and QB software - or will I have to start from scratch and re-install it all again ?

    Many thanks
  2. AJ@Parallels


    Hello Hustiniano, You can move the Parallels Desktop and the Windows virtual machine to the new Mac, please follow the instructions from this links < > & < >

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