[Licensing] Use one license on several personal computers

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by RyanM8, May 31, 2017.


Easy to use facility to switch license between computer systems

  1. Yes, great. need one

    171 vote(s)
  2. No

    10 vote(s)
  1. SiddharthaG

    SiddharthaG Bit poster

    In my opinion, VMWare is not as good as Parallels, even when it would be cheaper. Plus i use PC all the way... :cool:
  2. GregG6

    GregG6 Bit poster

    Parallels has a great product. But they are going out of their way to be absurd to their customers. One PC only, as this thread covers, is too strict. But this week they took the cake - they release v14 on 23rd or 24th I think. Per their policy on v14, you only get a free upgrade if you bought v13 from Aug 1, 2018 until current date. That means on release day they felt like 3 weeks was all the way back they should go to cover a paid customer.
    I have a lot of VM work history and generally love their products. All things equal I would slightly prefer parallels to Fusion on my 2 macs. But Parallels is making me switch.
  3. Spry

    Spry Bit poster

    With APFS being pushed into iMacs with Fusion Drives my copy of Parallels 12 no longer works with Mojave. I have been paying for a subscription for the Pro license on my MacBook Pro however as I'm now facing upgrading from my 12 license which had 3 seats to a 14 license with only 1 on top of a Pro license. I'm not too eager to stay onboard with Parallels, not because I disagree with paying for maintaining software but because theres a clear sign of drawing every drop of blood they can. Previous licenses weren't always this restrictive.

    Parallels has a nicer UX but a nice wrapper isn't worth double the price, for 1/3 of the value in seats I got 2 years ago and very limited in the space of "new features" other than Touch Bar support. License the user, not the machine. Microsoft just announced they are removing device limits in Office 365 which only makes this look more archaic.

    I don't see Parallels changing anytime soon unless it hits their sales numbers, add one more to the VMware Fusion bandwagon.
    cam217 likes this.
  4. cam217

    cam217 Junior Member

    I totally agree with everyone here... I actually was about to purchase the v14 license and remembered that I tried to use my virtual machines on my old macbook pro as well as the new and I had to painfully enter my license again and again... What an unfriendly way to do things.

    Like most here, instead of renewing Parallels I will be buying VMWare Fusion because I believe you guys went nuts doing this! I guess making stupid functions for the stupid touchbar is more important than keeping paying customers with a reasonable business plan. So, congrats!
  5. SebastianS2

    SebastianS2 Bit poster

    I am on v12 and considered v14. v12 still allowed to install on up to three macs, now v13 and v14 do not allow any simultaneous installation. I will give VMware a try now. If it satisfies my needs, v12 will be my last PD version to use. Sorry.
  6. cam217

    cam217 Junior Member

    Actually VMWare does pretty much the same stuff... It's more about how things are access/modified.
    Plus, VMWare Fusion does convert from PD format to VMWare format (just like the other way around) so there's no excuse for not giving a try since PD does not even answer anymore to complaints about that!
    SebastianS2 likes this.
  7. SebastianS2

    SebastianS2 Bit poster

    Thank you for the encouragement. I'll try it tonight.
  8. TyN1

    TyN1 Bit poster

    SebastianS2 likes this.
  9. EmmaK

    EmmaK Bit poster

    Personally, i suggest you use a different license for personal computers. That will provide more security to your personal computer.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2018
  10. JohnnyGTO

    JohnnyGTO Junior Member

    I have lic. going back 8 versions and never had to worry about a second lic. for my desktop (I use Parallels primarily in the field) I'm going to give VM a spin.
  11. TracyH

    TracyH Bit poster

    I've switched from primarily working from home to being on the road a little bit and now need a second license to use on my macbook, really Parallels? After reading all the comments, I'm going to give VMware a try as well. This may be our last year together Parallels.

    I'm still shocked I can't use my license that I have on my iMac as well as my macbook Pro....WOW!
  12. cam217

    cam217 Junior Member

    VMware just got out the Mojave compatible version of Fusion, see here. Seems to have a few interesting features like NVMe SDDs option (on compatible machines) for VMs that improve performance of VMs.

    I'm going to buy it now, at least, I will be able to run it on all my computers ;)

    EDIT: They do offer a 40% discount for switching people... Pretty great if you ask me! (Requires giving PD license number to VMware so they validate if you're eligible)
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2018
  13. MichaelD32

    MichaelD32 Junior Member

    Just installed Parallels. I have a primary and secondary dev machine. Work on both but never at the same time/location. I'm not prepared to buy two licenses while only using one at the time. Initial experience with Parallels is great. Wasn't going to bother about trying VMware Fusion. Now it appears I'll have to.:(
  14. JonnieCache

    JonnieCache Bit poster

    I have used VMWare and it is not the same as Parallels. Parallels integration between Windows and Mac are better than VMWare. But, Parallels performs better, which is not something you can see in the user interface between the two.

    That said, I agree that it should be able to run on two machines. I have one at home and one at my work, but never use them at the same time.
  15. XenaW

    XenaW Bit poster

    Yes, I agree with this post! With the basic one-license personal plan, VM Fusion allows personal users to install the software on any computer they own.

    Regards, Xena
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2018
  16. MartinDean

    MartinDean Bit poster

    I want to add my voice to the call for binding licence to the user not the device. Apple seems happy to do this via app store, so why not Parallels. I notice that there are no contributions to this thread from Parallels for a very long time. Perhaps we should move the argument to Twitter?
  17. ShaharH

    ShaharH Bit poster

    Adding my 2 cents here.
    Been loyal to Parallels ever since v10, got v11 free and the paid upgrade to v12 and v13.
    v13 on APFS is almost unusable with the slow snapshots and maybe incompatibility?

    New MacBookPro is coming is a decision needs to be make v14 or VMWare fusion.
    This debate has made my decision less concrete now on parallels.

    Will sure try the trial version.
  18. MarioV2

    MarioV2 Bit poster

    After the installation of Parallels started downloading the windows automatically.
    It did not ask for any license number.
    The windows license was included in the price of Parallels ??
    Actually I am using the windows without any problem, but in the right corner appear: Activate Windows.
    Thank you.

    Mario Vélez
  19. AJ@Parallels


    Hello MarioV2, Windows 10 installed from the Parallels Desktop is just a single language trial version, Do you have a Windows 10 product key? If so then
    Kindly remove the current Windows installation by following this link Please download the Windows 10 .iso from this link < http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 > and install it < https://bit.ly/2G4tRVc >
  20. MarioV2

    MarioV2 Bit poster

    Thank you AJ@Parallels.
    I don´t have a Windows 10 product key. I only bought a Parallel v.14.
    Please, Do you know how long time is going to work the trial version of windows?
    The link that you sent me is to remove the Parallel. I think that I don't need to remove the Parallel.
    So, How can I get Windows 10?
    Mario Vélez

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