Where can I buy a perpetual Parallels 13 license?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Nicola2, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. Nicola2

    Nicola2 Bit poster


    I just noticed you switched to a subscription-based licensing model some time ago, which I don't want.

    Where is it possible to purchase a perpetual Parallels 13 license?


  2. Shathish@Parallels

    Shathish@Parallels Pro

    Hello @Nicola2 Parallels Support Here! Yes, you will be able to purchase the perpetual License from the Parallels Website. Please log in to https://www.parallels.com/ and select Buy Now > New License > Home & Student License > buy Now > Select One-Time Standard License. Thanks, Shathish
  3. DavidC41

    DavidC41 Bit poster

    I'm trying to get a Perpetual License too, but It keeps showing options to yr subscription and nothing regarding a one time.

    This is sad for me and frustrating since I've been testing VMware Fusion and Parallels feature by feature to make the best decision, and both have the same price, I do my personal research to make sure which version runs better with my Mac and then at the time I decide to purchase I found that Fusion is only yr subscription!!. If I knew this from the very beginning I should have skip testing Parallels and go directly with the perpetual vendors and not wasting my time with subscription software.

  4. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @DavidC41 , the Home edition is the perpetual license available from Parallels Desktop for Mac. https://www.parallels.com/ and select Buy Now > New License > Home & Student Edition > buy Now .
  5. SteveB16

    SteveB16 Bit poster

    Hi @Arun - looks like that option has been taken away now and only the annual recurring fee is available? :(
  6. AJ@Parallels


    Hello SteveB16, Kindly go to www.parallels.com and select Buy now--> New license--> Parallels Desktop home& student--> Again Buy now--> Now select Parallels Desktop for mac standard edition 1-time purchase.
  7. RobertN12

    RobertN12 Bit poster


    I see people are upset with the fact that the advertised price is yearly only.

    1) First off, my advice is advertise all the ways that the keep it from being boggy. Present tables so we know how different OS respond. Then, (and I don't even care if you have to sell the company and get all new developers as I hope you do) make it as streamlined as possible while still being functional and robust.

    It seems like you are now playing "Microsoft" games with the customers--Presenting a product which MOSTLY sucks or will never be dependable or robust and focusing more on controlling the licensing. I assure you, if it didn't suck and people actually wanted to use it, it would sell for itself without all the subscription games.

    It's a great CONCEPT. BUT, I can never get into it because it's always got an issue and it's never practical. Now, I need it to run a Windows program my prof needs me to run and I refuse to get a new windows computer because I am happy with Mac.

    These are my issues.

    1) I need it to work well and not bog down.
    2) I am also getting a new Mac laptop and using an external hard drive. How do I know that if I buy this and load it off my external drive or reload it onto my new mac laptop, I can be assured I can transfer it over to my new laptop and it will still work??

    Please advise.
    I did already purchased a Parallels license a long time ago. But it never worked. The person who took my call said it won't work because the versions become so outdated. Huh?!? So, you truly have to convince me that it is worth spending 50-80 bucks. Not convinced since last time I threw my money down the toilet.

  8. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Hello RobertN12, Kindly go to www.parallels.com and select Buy now--> New license--> Parallels Desktop for Home & Student Use --> Again Buy now--> Now select Parallels Desktop for Mac Standard Edition 1-Time Purchase.
    1.) You can install the trial version and check if everything is working fine before purchasing.
    2.) Yes, you can transfer Parallels Desktop to a new Mac.
    If you have any more questions, share it with us.
  9. PeterA20

    PeterA20 Bit poster

    I use Windows maybe 3 times a year through Parallels, i'm still on version 10. I want to upgrade but i need more ram and cpu than the home version allows. Can i buy the Pro version as an upgrade and not a subscription. I don't use it enough to warrent a subscription.
  10. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, Parallels Desktop Pro has only subscription plan. You can purchase it and turn off the autorenewal in order to avoid the unwanted payment.
  11. PeterA20

    PeterA20 Bit poster

    Does that mean the program will not open after the subscription has expired?
  12. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Yes, you're right. After the end of subscription period subscription will expired.
  13. AlexA17

    AlexA17 Bit poster

    Thanks for clarifying.

    I doubt Parallels will care much-- but you have likely lost a potential customer over this.

    I simply wanted the option to have the pro service without subscription.
  14. DebasmitaM

    DebasmitaM Forum Maven

    Hi, unfortunately we are not having the pro features on permanent license. We will share your requirements with the concern team as a feedback. Please reach us back for any further queries.

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