Opening PDF attachments in Outlook 2016

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by DougG3, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. DougG3

    DougG3 Bit poster

    I would like to run Outlook 2016 in the windows 7 environment.
    If someone sends me an adobe PDF attachment, I would like it to open in Adobe DC on the Mac Side.
    When I double click the attachment, Adobe Pro DC opens, but the file does not.
    Previously, I edited the OutlookSecureTempFolder in the registry to a common place like the Z:\ drive and that was a good workaround.
    Now the extra changes back to the C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\KKE96D2D\ immediately after double clicking on the attachment.
    How can I make this work? With the stellar (gag) support Adobe and Microsoft offer, I am at my wits end.

    Please don't suggest saving the file and then opening it because the client is not capable of doing this. (huge eyeroll)
  2. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Hi @DougG3, try to set Adobe DC from the Mac side as a default PDF viewer in Windows (by file type), will it work? To make it possible, 'Share Mac applications with Windows' feature should be enabled in VM config > Options > Shared Applications.
  3. DougG3

    DougG3 Bit poster

    Yes, the file association is not the problem. The problem is the secure temp file folder on windows is set yo an area that adobe is unable to open a file from.
    I double click the attachment and the application opens, but the file does not.
    I can double click a file from the document folder and it opens the application and the file.
  4. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Okay, thanks for clarifying. What if we change Outlook's default path for saving attachments to a non-secured folder? I've found instructions here:
  5. DougG3

    DougG3 Bit poster

    Not the default saving path. When you double click on an attachment, it saves the file to a secure temp folder designated in the registry. That's the folder that's a problem. i feel like I'm not making myself clear, or dealing with someone who has never used outlook.
  6. JerryW3

    JerryW3 Bit poster

  7. DavidH9

    DavidH9 Junior Member

    I would like to know if a resolution has been found to this thread. I am using Parallels 15 and Windows 10 and this issue with outlook 16 and adobe still seems to be around. Occasionally, files from outlook attachments do go thru but not often. This seems to have occurred for me since upgrading to parallels 15. I have tried the safe mode option and makes no difference. Appreciate knowing from parallels if this is a known fault and if so what is the current fix. thanks

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