Parallels Tools installation won't start

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by DavidW28, Jan 13, 2018.

  1. DavidW28

    DavidW28 Junior Member

    I use Parallels 13 for Mac
    MacOS High Sierra
    I can't install Parallels Tools. When I click on "Install Parallels tools" I click on continue and then nothing happens.
    I have tried:
    1. Running the installation from the triangle at the top right. Doesn't work
    2. Running the installation from Actions. Doesn't work
    3. Checked that the installation image is mounted in Devices -> CD/DVD. Looks good.
    4. Disconnected the image, tried installation again. Doesn't work.
    5. Disconnected / connected the image. Tried installation, Doesn't work.
    6. Opened the package in the Applications folder and opened the ISO image and tried to install from there. Nothing happens.
    7. Tried uninstall from the same image. Fails because it's not installed.
    8. Removed Parallels from the computer. Applications, user library, system library files...everything.
    9. Downloaded the package again. Reinstalled Parallels 13.
    10. Run 1-7 again. Won't work.
    br, DAVID
  2. Shathish@Parallels

    Shathish@Parallels Pro

  3. DavidW28

    DavidW28 Junior Member

    Thank you!! I have a MacOS high sierra guest on a MacOS high sierra host. The guest is newly installed and has no additional programs installed. The only strange thing is that in the control center an Ubuntu installation is visible. I started it a year ago but it is in a strange state. See attachment. Can't cancel it and can't start it. It is not possible to remove the normal way. How can I delete it? Can't throw it in the trash either ("Cannot be cancelled since it hasn't been started"), but it is not possible to start. Can that be a root cause?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 14, 2018
  4. DavidW28

    DavidW28 Junior Member

    Here is a movie of my trials. Am I doing something wrong?
    I managed to delete the Ubuntu guest with the strange state. However, it still doesn't work.
  5. DavidW28

    DavidW28 Junior Member

    Solved. Managed to run the installation inside the guest after a while.
  6. Shathish@Parallels

    Shathish@Parallels Pro

    Hello @DavidW28, We are glad that you have resolved the issue. We are always here to help you. Thanks, Shathish

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