VMDebugHelper for Visual Studio 2017

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by LucienD, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. LucienD

    LucienD Bit poster

    Hi there,
    When I try to install the VMDebugHelper installed as part of the Parallels Tools for the Pro version to get the Visual Studio add-in, it tells me that the current version (of Visual Studio, I assume, although it does not specify that) is not supported. When will it be updated for Visual Studio 2017?

    I'm running VS 2017 (Enterprise Edition) on a Parallels VM running Windows 10 Pro.

    Lucien Dol
  2. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @LucienD, thanks for reaching out! Please share the screenshot of the error message so that we could help!
  3. LucienD

    LucienD Bit poster


    Here's the screenshot. I have also attached to full installation log file.


    Attached Files:

  4. PenghuiT

    PenghuiT Bit poster

    I got the same problem. !!!!
    I was trying to run the android simulator on VisualStudio 2017, and it gives me an error, thus made me realise that I need to buy pro edition to enable that.
    But after I bought it the key plugin is not working, that makes very angry.
  5. PenghuiT

    PenghuiT Bit poster

    I tried to run android simulator on VisualStudio 2017, but it gives me error every time.
    Then I bought the pro edition of PD12, and I tried to install VMDebugHelper it gives me an error.
    How to fix that?
    I got the error message and the log for you.

    屏幕截图 2017-04-24 时间 下午6.31.35.png

    Attached Files:

  6. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Hi @PenghuiT, can you please send us a technical report (via Help > Send Technical Data...) when this error appears? Please reply me back with the report ID.
  7. PenghuiT

    PenghuiT Bit poster

    I have send the report you want ID: 174991963
    Dmitry Geynisman likes this.
  8. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Thank you very much!
  9. James Minnihan

    James Minnihan Member

    Ok, to use Android virtual images from within the ADB debugger, you must turn on a special option within Parallels. Shut down your Windows VM guest, and from the Control Center, right click your Windows guest VM and select "Configure..." from the menu, then select the "Hardware" icon and then "CPU & Memory" at left. Finally select the disclosure arrow (the solid right arrow marked with "Advanced Settings" and check the "Enable nested virtualization" option. The ADB virtualization should then work when you reboot your Windows guest OS.

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