Cinnamon runs sluggish on Linux Mint 18

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by ShahnawazS, Jul 22, 2016.

  1. ShahnawazS

    ShahnawazS Junior Member

    I've installed Linux Mint 18 on Parallels Desktop 11 running on a MacBook Pro 13 retina. I've noticed that the display is rather sluggish when moving windows around, maximising, minimising, scrolling, etc.

    Parallel tools installs without any errors reported.

    I've installed Linux Mint 18 MATE and that runs fine. But I'd rather have Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon on my machine.

    Any thoughts?
  2. JimG1

    JimG1 Bit poster

    I have the same exact issue. Brand new fresh install of Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon 64-bit on my Macbook Pro 15" Retina from Late 2013 using the Intel Iris Pro 1536MB graphics running under Parallels 11 for Mac Pro Edition. Very sluggish graphics -- very noticeable when clicking on the Linux "Start" menu and navigating the menu.
    Running Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon 64-bit in software rendering mode actually speeds the graphics up to almost normal speed! There appears to be an issue with the Parallels Tools graphics driver for Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon from my testing. Hopefully they will release a fix soon.
  3. Guna@Parallels

    Guna@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @Stephena4,
    Linux Mint 18 is officially not supported in Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac. Here is the list of supporting Operating System in Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac.
    Stay tuned for updates summary of Parallels Desktop 11 in this link . You may try to tweak the performance as describe in this article to see if that helps you.
  4. A question for Parallels support - I see openSUSE 13.2 is supported but openSUSE LEAP 42.1 (really just a repackage of 13) is not mentioned. Any thought of adding LEAP to the list?
  5. AbdullahA3

    AbdullahA3 Bit poster


    Same issue and same device and details however I am running Parallels 10 not 11. The parallels tool is not installing as well. Did you mange to install that?
  6. ShahnawazS

    ShahnawazS Junior Member

    I've managed to install parallels tools. The screen resolution changes to the correct resolution, and I can also see the Parallels Shared Folders. However, moving the windows around, scrolling, etc. is rather sluggish.
  7. AbdullahA3

    AbdullahA3 Bit poster

    How did you go about it?
  8. JimG1

    JimG1 Bit poster

    I managed to install the Parallels Tools in Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon with no issues. Just make sure the Parallels Tools .iso file is mounted as a CD/DVD in your Parallels setup for the Virtual Machine in the Parallels Control panel and you should be able to run the program in Linux. This link may help you:
  9. Peter11

    Peter11 Bit poster

    I have just installed Mint 18 under Parallels (from the Linux Format cover disk) and, to begin with, it ran like a dog.
    This is on a Macbook Pro Retina with 16gb or RAM and an SSD. I gave the VM 4gb and two CPUs but it was still unusable.
    After this, I used the recommended update commands (IIRC, I did them a few times until nothing new seemed to come down).
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    Then I turned down the swapiness (as it reported somewhere to possibly be helpful, if memory is short, not that 4gb should be a problem).
    I had no problems installing Parallels Tools.
    I had to play about with fonts and magnification to be able to read the screen but now it runs pretty much OK. I do find scrolling in Firefox to be rather jerky and I'd like to sort that out. Apart from that, it's pretty much OK so far.
  10. parkhoon

    parkhoon Bit poster

    Hey, is there any update on this? I just installed Mint Cinnamon 18.1 in Parallels 12.2.0 and it's running like a dog.
    I did all the updates, installed Parallels Tools. 2 CPUs and 2 GB RAM assigned. I chose Mint instead of Ubuntu because I hate the Unity desktop. Maybe I should have went with Mint MATE.

    edit: "running like a dog" meaning, animation is very slow, unable to use as a desktop. Even if I disable effects it's still not usable. Maybe I'll try Mate version later, but I ended up installing Lubuntu, which is very light weight.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2017
  11. I run Mint - 18.1 both Mate and Cinnamon. Not quite as snappy as running on the raw hardware but fast enough to do real work - compiles & testing MySQL apps, as well as games - I routinely run Warcraft III on it under Wine. I am using a 2015 MBP with retina display, 16 GB memory, 500 GB SSD. I usually give Mint systems 2 GB memory, 2 cores, and set them as preferred in the Parallels config panel. Your mileage may vary of course.

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