Icons Changing

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by MattJ3, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. MattJ3

    MattJ3 Junior Member

    Hi, I've just started using Parallels on my Mac and have an odd query. I use it to run some software I used to use on a Windows PC that isn't Mac compatible. It's old software and the icon looked crap in my dock, so I made my own. I replaced the icon in the 'Get Info' section, and also clicked into 'Show Package Contents' and replaced the WinAppHelper.icns file. All seemed fine, happy days. But the next time I started my Mac up and then opened the program, it just replaces the WinAppHelper.icns file with the original one. I've tried it several times and it always replaces with the original when I reboot my Mac.

    Anyone got any ideas on how I can stop this happening? It's bugging me! For reference the program is an old software program by Serif called WebPlus X6.

    Thanks for any help :)
  2. MattJ3

    MattJ3 Junior Member

    No one have any experience of this? It's really frustrating me!! lol
  3. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, please try
    Open the WinAppHelper.icns file in the build-in utility Icon Composer.
    Drag a new icon (png format for example) to replace the existing one in Icon Composer. Save.
  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Please just let us know if it's not that case.
  5. MattJ3

    MattJ3 Junior Member

    I don't quite understand what that means, where is the build-in utility Icon Composer?
  6. MattJ3

    MattJ3 Junior Member

    I've spent some time trying to work out what you mean, but can't. Could you explain further?
  7. Raj@Parallels

    Raj@Parallels Guest

    Check if this step helps, if not please let us know the versions of Parallels Desktop and Mac OS X
  8. MattJ3

    MattJ3 Junior Member

    I've tried that, and while it works initially, as soon as I open the app in Parallels it reverts back to it's original. My Parallells & Mac OS are both the latest versions. Any other ideas?
  9. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi MattJ3, did you try this article to change the icon of that application into your favorite one?
  10. MattJ3

    MattJ3 Junior Member

    What are you talking about? That's a video about making a website favicon, it's got nothing to do with desktop icons for applications!? Is there anyone at Parallels that can actually help with this?
  11. MattJ3

    MattJ3 Junior Member

    Seriously, no one at Parallels can offer some proper help?
  12. MattJ3

    MattJ3 Junior Member

  13. MattJ3

    MattJ3 Junior Member

    Happy days, great service thanks Parallels support........
  14. SteveB12

    SteveB12 Junior Member

    It would be great if someone could properly address MattJ3's legitimate question. The problem he mentions is real and very annoying. Clearly this is not a problem of function ... everything works ... but since using a Mac is in large part about the aesthetics of the thing, Parallels 13 constantly forcing ugly icons on to the Dock is a real pain.
    To recap the problem ... I have used many versions of Parallels Desktop and until Version 13 I could happily change the Winapphelper.icns icon to something Mac Dock suitable for any running Windows program that appeared on the dock. I did this by replacing the Winapphelper.icns in the Resources folder (via Show Package Contents) for the windows program in question with an icns file of my choosing. All well and good, it works! (Please don't reply telling me how to create an icon ... I know!).
    The problem with Version 13 is that every time I close and re-open the Windows program for which I have lovingly created a beautiful custom icon, Parallels overwrites WinAppHelper.icns with the original ugly Windows icon with two red bars through it, as before.
    Simple question ... is there a way (like before) that I can change WinAppHelper.icns and it will stay changed?

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