12.1 kills ram allocation >8gb for non PRO version?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by MacSpanner, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. MichaelN6

    MichaelN6 Bit poster

    I see you have made the regular product limited to 8 GB. This is unacceptable. I will not be bullied into a subscription I don't need or want. You have crippled this product to force us against our will into your subscription. I am going to complain to the FTC as well. Let's see what the Government says about removing functionality that already existed and I paid for and charging me more to get it back.
    Also if I subscribe, when the subscription is up I take it my program will stop working. This is blackmail; and I will fight this. I will convert to Fusion.
  2. Steve Reichenbach

    Steve Reichenbach Junior Member

    Certainly, we look forward to resolution of our many individual cases, but the most important issue for Parallels is either to deliver the Standard Edition without the lower limit on CPUs and RAM or to prominently advertise the lower limit for the Standard Edition in its product information. Currently, the main Parallels Desktop webpage states "16 vCPUs and 64 GB vRAM" without regard to product edition. Until you take one of these actions, your company is misleading additional purchasers of your software.
  3. SaraM

    SaraM Bit poster

    They intentionally broke my virtual machine. I saw the update message, and dutifully updated to be more secure, and then couldn't use the virtual machine without adjusting memory allocation.

    As a customer I feel gouged. It's a very bad experience and I'll be looking for alternatives because it's just not okay to break my existing functionality with a minor update and no pre-warning.
  4. jkhademi

    jkhademi Bit poster

    I just got the dialog box to update one of my several licensed copies of Parallels 12, this one on my MacPro.
    After the update, the VM refused to launch with a dialog box that says:

    This virtual machine has more than 4 CPU assigned and cannot be started.
    Parallels Desktop for Mac Standard Edition supports virtual machines with 4 CPU at most. Decrease the number of CPUs in Hardware > CPU & Memory, or upgrade to Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition.

    I found an old version 12, installed that, and it worked perfectly with 16 cores.
    I reinstalled the 12.1.1 update, and got the same message.

    Parallels, this appears to be violation of my terms of the initial purchase of the version 12 product.
    This was a mid-cyle update that contains no warning about this, and cripples the VM with the install, or forces the user to upgrade to the "Pro" edition.

    I have been a very loyal user for many, many years and have purchased multiple copies of Parallels instead of installing one copy on several Macs. You may check my purchase history going back perhaps 7-8 years. I will not be doing any updates on any of my Macs, nor will I upgrade ever again unless this is resolved.
    JefersonA and emiko like this.
  5. emiko

    emiko Member

    Yes, certainly they do.
    Apparently no links regarding VMWare is not allowed here - it will be removed.
    Just google for the keywords such as VMware Fusion 8.5 for Parallels, Switch from parallels and save 40%, or something like that.
  6. HansAST

    HansAST Bit poster

    For me 7-8 years as well... with 3 licenses.. Always resisted looking at VMWare, but now looks to be a option. At least they are upfront with their limitations... Their site quotes an euro40,64 ex VAT fee for moving from Parallels to the Fusionn8.5
  7. Steve Reichenbach

    Steve Reichenbach Junior Member

    I see that Parallels now has documented this limitation in the Desktop for Mac information page. That is an important step in the right direction of being upfront with future purchasers. As a past purchaser of the Standard Edition whose software was crippled by the minor update, I've been offered one year of the Pro Edition with the requirement to renew it at the end of that term. I've responded asking if I'll be able to use the Standard Edition (even with its lower limits) after that one-year period mostly because I haven't decided what I will do. I've normally upgraded every year or two, so the subscription cost isn't as much an issue as the misrepresentation and my general dislike of software subscriptions that leave you with no license.
  8. EWTHeckman

    EWTHeckman Member

    Oh look! As of about 11 AM EST on November 19th, that page now suddenly lists the Standard edition as only supporting 8GB RAM and 4 processors. I'm glad they're finally listing that "small" detail. But just think, if they had done that in the first place, all of this fuss could have been avoided.
  9. emiko

    emiko Member

    I decided to buy 3 license pack from VMWare Fusion (81.96 Euro) <<-- this was wrong info (edited)
    Just like you, I have been a royal customer of Paralles for quite some time.
    My husband and I were planning to buy two more Paralles license for our new MacBook Pro.
    But obviously that will not happen after this unpleasant experience which left a very bad taste in mouth.

    I purchased single license for VMWare Fusion (47,98 Euro)

    My understanding for the license agreement was wrong - there is no such thing as three license pack.
    In fact, VMWare Fusion allows you to install MORE THAN ONE MACHINE which belongs to you with single license!!
    I just finished installing and activating it on one MacPro and two MacBook Pro. That was a huge saving.

    I would have never discovered this, if there was not this wrong move by Parallels.
    Clearly, the sales tactics backfired on Parallels. What an irony!
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2016
  10. JefersonA

    JefersonA Bit poster

    Extremely disappointed with this move on Parallels....if I was aware of it wouldn't ever purchased version 12 and certainly moved to Fusion.
    And also local website (Brazil/Portuguese) still don't show such limitation.
    Hope Parallels move one step backwards and put this limitation only on V13...change rules like this makes me understand that this is not a company that wants to keep its customers....actually, seems that objective is to make customers move to other solutions.
    Once again, extremely bad move....like others, I'll try to back to previous update and will stop updates until this issue is solved...
  11. Chris_H

    Chris_H Bit poster

    Hey...I just launched my Parallels 12 Desktop a few days ago and it told me I needed to upgrade to Pro to allow my more than 4+ CPUs. I clicked the link and paid $99 to get the Pro. I got a complelety different license. My daughter just did this and she paid $60 for an Upgrade. WTF????

    I don't have time for this bait and switch. I had to use my MS Project to complete a program status report.

    Parallels. I now wasted a lot of $$. WT heck did you give me a link to purchase a $99 Pro and no Upgrade. What am I to do with my other $50 for Parallels Desktop? You will refund me?
    You have my account. I will call my credit card and cancel this. You need to get on this!!!
  12. DomenicoV

    DomenicoV Bit poster

    Hi Andrew,

    Why a private message? why follow up 1:1? Parallels knows who is affected by this latest stunt, address it and make it right.
    JefersonA and emiko like this.
  13. BennettB

    BennettB Bit poster

    Andrew-I don't see how to send a PM on this forum. Can you PM me so I can add my voice of concern for how this was handled? I've just sprung big $$ to upgrade my MacBook to help with the speed and constant crashing and now I can't even take advantage of 12. Maybe time to switch to boot Camp?
    JefersonA likes this.
  14. JensM1

    JensM1 Bit poster

    I have also used Parallels for years. But this behaviour, even if it es somehow written at page 100 etc. is not acceptable. I think Parallels has to correct this.
  15. DavidT10

    DavidT10 Bit poster

    Sorry I don't know how to send you a private message.

    Andrew I am not your normal forum user. and have never posted before. I believe I have been a good customer - I have upgraded each release since switching from PC to to a mac. I would have happily purchased the pro version but when I read your feature guide at the time of purchase concluded I did not need the additional functionality as your ad described it. You can hide behind the small print but the reality is clear, in practice you have provided an upgrade that has downgraded the product for many users, without warning, just to grab a bit of extra cash. The sad reality is that had you been open and clear at the upgrade time I, and I suspect many others, would have made an informed choice and in my case would have opted for the pro because I have a number of large spreadsheets. Instead, what you have managed to do is alienate what appears to be a large number of loyal customers. I am not a natural complainer and I on't know whether you are going to reconsider your position butI think this is definitely worth referring to the trading standards.
  16. HansAST

    HansAST Bit poster

    Has anyone reverted back to 11??? I am considering it since there are no real 12 features that required me to upgrade..
    Will the existing VM's I have, that have parallels tools 12.x installed, run without problems? Maybe after installing re-installing parallels tools 11.x...
    If so, I will cancel my 12.x "upgrade"...
  17. Yvo

    Yvo Bit poster

    Just go back to 12.0.2-41353 and you are fine.
    No need to go back to 11 if you already have 12.0.2-41353.
    Certainly don't upgrade to the pro version, don't give them a cent!
    12.0.2-41353 runs fine.
  18. jkhademi

    jkhademi Bit poster

    For everyone looking to go back to 12.0.2, there are some websites that have that .dmg for download.
    I downloaded one, ran it through Kaspersky and it seems legit.
    Everything runs normally again.

    I've been a long-time customer purchasing multiple copies over the years...this is only a partial history showing 35 licenses going back to version 6.
    If they were all $50 upgrades, that is:

    35 * 50 = $1750

    I emailed Andrew as he requested and we'll see what happens.

    My advice to him was:

    1) Acknowledge and apologize for this.
    2) Grandfather all existing 12.x users to the Pro version.

    Attached Files:

  19. BennettB

    BennettB Bit poster

    The problem with your #2 is that even if they did that, you are now on a subscription plan just to get what you understood you were getting for a one-time fee.
  20. DougP

    DougP Junior Member

    For those of you being offered a Pro licence for a year due to this gross mishandling by Parallels be very careful. As far as I can see from the website you can only get the Pro version as a yearly plan meaning that after one year and a day you have nothing and have to pay full price to take out another Pro annual right to use. The Standard version offers a perpetual licence which you can choose to update, or not.
    I too am planning to move to VM Ware. I have tried running in crippled mode with just 8GB and 4CPUs but my VM just runs too slowly and can not handle the large Excel spreadsheets that I use. (It is also a shame that Excel for Mac doesn't have all of the features of Excel for Windows otherwise I could stop using Windows altogether. )

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