OS 10.12 Sierra beta not working with Parallels Access?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration' started by steves9, Jun 13, 2016.

  1. steves9

    steves9 Bit poster

    Mine isn't, since upgrading to the new beta today.
  2. ParallelsU36

    ParallelsU36 Bit poster

    Mine fails to connect. Suggests reinstalling which hasn't solved the problem.
  3. FrankM6

    FrankM6 Bit poster

    Same here. I already asked support. There will be a new version of parallels access with the official rollout of Sierra.
    I am now hoping to get a hands on a beta somehow or at least a workaround...
  4. Dinesh@Parallels

    Dinesh@Parallels Guest

    Hey Guys,
    Parallels development team is looking to make the required tweaks to make Parallels Access compatible with mac OS Sierra. Stay tuned for more updates.
  5. FrankM6

    FrankM6 Bit poster

    If you need beta testers of your work, just let us know...

    Appreciate your efforts ;)
  6. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Sure FrankM6, we will let you know if we have a beta program for Parallels Access.
  7. TommyL1

    TommyL1 Bit poster

    I'm with him on that one! I'd love to be a part of a beta for Parallels Access! I used it daily up until the macOS beta invite showed up in my work inbox. I've been getting the same re-install prompt and it crashed the machine trying to quit Parallels Access the first time.
  8. FrankM6

    FrankM6 Bit poster

    :eek: You managed to crash macOS 10.12..? :confused:
  9. TommyL1

    TommyL1 Bit poster

    Yeah, oops.
  10. FrankM6

    FrankM6 Bit poster

    Today my Mac connected to the Access Cloud upon startup.
    The app ran for about 5 min, then I got disconnected again.

    Neither did I change anything before, nor can I connect again...
  11. MikeP4

    MikeP4 Bit poster

    I have no idea why the following worked but I had the same problem described above and now Parallels Access is working for me with Sierra.

    First, I'm running Sierra on a 2011 iMac where I have Parallels 11 and Access installed. I also have a Windows 10 VM installed. Since installing Sierra, I've no longer been able to connect to my iMac from my iPad. I just want to be clear that I'm not talking about running Sierra in a Parallels VM or something else.

    Last night I installed OSX Yosemite in a Parallels VM on my iMac. Just the basic installation and I didn't install any other s/w. I did install Parallels tools for the new VM so maybe this is the trigger.

    I can now connect to my iMac again from my iPad just like before. I've tried it while being on the same wifi network, a different wifi network and over LTE. I didn't install the OSX VM for this purpose and only stumbled upon it working again by accident. Dunno. Maybe I just got lucky or maybe something about installing another VM or Parallels Tools did something. Anyhow, give it a try - can't hurt, right?

    Good luck.
  12. FrankM6

    FrankM6 Bit poster

    I tried to reproduce that workaround on my MacBook Pro.
    I had Parallels 11 already installed, an old Windows 10 VM, set up an additional OS X VM.

    After shutting down the VM and restarting my MacBook Parallels Access connected.
    But again, a few minutes later, it disconnected again and I cannot start the app any more...
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
  13. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi MikeP4, while we do not have exact ETA at this point, we are planning to make sure Mac OS X Sierra works with Parallels Desktop 11 and Parallels Access shortly after the official Mac OS X Sierra release time.
  14. FrankM6

    FrankM6 Bit poster

    Parallels Desktop 11 is already working fine on 10.12 Sierra.
    It's just Parallels Access that is refusing to connect.

    Even the workaround installing a new VM in Parallels Desktop only helped on this for a few minutes...
  15. OliverB1

    OliverB1 Bit poster

    i would also like to be included in any beta programme for access if possible
  16. FrankM6

    FrankM6 Bit poster

    MikeP4, is your workaround still working in your Setup?
    Mine only kept Parallels Access running for a few minutes.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
  17. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Yes OliverB1, we will let you know if we have a beta program for Parallels Access.
  18. melvin1

    melvin1 Bit poster

    Anyone tried to install the beta 2 and try to install the parallels access again and see whether it connects?
  19. FrankM6

    FrankM6 Bit poster

    I did the update yesterday, yet no change on parallels access. It's still not connecting, but at least the app stays active in the system bar...
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
  20. melvin1

    melvin1 Bit poster

    what about the beta 3 that they just launched? i installed sierra on beta 1 and it didn't work, and i downgraded it. didn't wanna try until it works.

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