Speaker popping

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by bab5139, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. bab5139

    bab5139 Member

    I am using parallels 10.1.1, with a fully patched win 7 guest os with a reinstalled version of the parallels tools. Sound will not play out of the left speaker and every once in a while there is a loud popping sound coming from the speakers. The popping sound occurs even when I have muted the sound in the windows guest os. The left speaker works normally in the mac os (Yosemite) host and there is no popping there. I only get the popping when I am working in the virtual machine. I have seen the other posts about this topic but nothing has worked. Does anyone else have this issue and might have found a resolution.
  2. bcflow

    bcflow Bit poster

    I have the same problem. Same setup as you.
  3. Abdul@Parallels

    Abdul@Parallels Parallels Support


    On your Windows OS , please go to Control Panel - Hardware and Sound - Sound - Right click on Speaker and select Properties - Levels tab - select Balance - check L (left) and R (right) are in 100.

    And with the popping sound, as you have mentioned its occurs only when the Windows OS is running, the sound source should be from any of the Windows application.
    Please check the Windows System Tray for the application which is running and close the application and check if the popping sound occurs again.
  4. bab5139

    bab5139 Member

    The balance is correct. I actually went in there and moved the balance all the way to the left to make sure that there was no sound coming out of the left speaker. The popping sound also occurs on boot. I used msconfig and removed all startup applications and rebooted. I am still getting the popping sound and no sound out of the left speaker. Obviously the popping sound stops when I disable the Parallels Audio Driver. Do you know what sound card parallels is emulating? Is the driver used basically the one apple released in bootcamp or is it modeled after something else so I could try their driver instead.
  5. Sergio_Chavez

    Sergio_Chavez Bit poster

    Hello. I am facing the same issue running Windows 7 on Yosemite. Seems like Parallels is the problem, not Windows. Abdul could you please check it ?
  6. bab5139

    bab5139 Member

    I was thinking a little more about your suggestion that the sound source could be coming from a windows application. As I stated before, even with the master volume control set to 0, the popping sound still occurs. The master volume doesn't not have an affect on the sound level of the popping at all. I'm assuming that all of the applications running at start up use the windows audio api's which would mean that they would need to alter the master volume to full and then back to zero to annunciate the sound. If that happened, I would expect that the music playing in the background would be audible with the popping, which it is not. Now, I am not sure if an application using the direct x api's could play a sound that wasn't controlled by the master audio output or if there is an undocumented API that allows direct access to the hardware so that is a possibility. The popping sound sounds very close to taking a 9v battery and passing it over the leads to a small speaker. It doesn't sound like a wav or a computer generated sound.
  7. Abdul@Parallels

    Abdul@Parallels Parallels Support

  8. Jeremy1

    Jeremy1 Bit poster

    Has anyone come up with a solution? Abdul?
    Is happening every time an email comes through on Outlook. Have turned off notifications and for the moment poping not happening. All sound on win and mac is muted. I have not tried playing music or sound via windows. For that I use yosemite.
  9. Dhruba@Parallels


    Hi Jeremy, please try to reproduce the issue and help us with a Problem Report ID, so that we can check it for you. Refer this article, http://kb.parallels.com/9058 to generate a Problem Report ID.
  10. DionW1

    DionW1 Bit poster

    I am likewise experiencing significant speaker popping and loud clicks using a Win 7 guest OS in a BootCamp partition via Parallels version 10.2.1 (build 29006). However at the same time I'm also experiencing severe degradation/dysfunction in the access to Windows application 'windows'. They will not persist as the top highlighted window but will step t the background within a less than second of being activated. Plus text inputting becomes disabled. I have lodged a support ticket for the problem(s).
  11. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

  12. Dancoiv

    Dancoiv Junior Member

    I had the same issue with my last MacBook Pro through various versions of Parallels. It would make a popping sound when I believe Windws was trying to alert me of something, such as a new email. if I would play music on the Mac side and then start turning up and down the Mac volume on the Apple side, it would suddenly be able to play music from both speakers again. So, I thought it might be the MacBook Pro and would just have to live with it. Well now I have a new MacBook Pro and even later versions of Parallels. Unfortunately, now I get some other speaker sounds going off when running Windows and it tries to alert of new emails or whatever, again randomly and not every time. I cannot make it occur at will. It must be an issue with sound drivers via Parallels, but I'm no expert.
  13. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi, you may try this article to fix Sound issue in Windows virtual machine. Also select from Output "Built in Output"
  14. Dancoiv

    Dancoiv Junior Member

    Hi Paul Chris, I did try that expired article (it is no longer available). If I recall correctly, it basically suggested disabling the input, but I still get random odd noises from parallels (typically when outlook alerts of an email, though most of the time it is fine). Even if I plug in a headset, it will sound through the headset speakers too. Thank you though. Never experience the issue when Parallels is not running, but I use Parallels a great deal.
  15. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hello, It seems that you're on outdated build of Parallels Desktop 11, please update Parallels Desktop to the latest build 11.1.0 (32202). You can update to the latest build as suggested in this article. Latest version always available here: http://www.parallels.com/directdownload/pd11/ Please note that Parallels Tools also needs to be updated (Actions > Update Parallels Tools). Please see this article to know more about Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac updates summary.

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