Parallels 11 turns Windows 10 to a nightmare

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by AlexeyZ1, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. AlexeyZ1

    AlexeyZ1 Bit poster

    I just bought the upgrade to 11, chosen the "pro" subscription version. I have two Windows 10 guest VMs.

    After installing new Parallels tools on both machines and a reboot on them, I discovered that both machines turned to some unusable crap. Everything works tremendously slow. Opening a task manager takes five to ten seconds. Start button does not work at all and cmd key too. Search in the taskbar does not work. Cmd+E takes 3-10 seconds to open an explorer window. Any settings/control panel action opens for up to a minute!

    Dear Parallels! What have you done? Why did you ask me to pay for my work distraction? What do I suppose to do now???
  2. AlexeyZ1

    AlexeyZ1 Bit poster

  3. ShimonyA

    ShimonyA Junior Member

    Did it solved your problem?
    I have the same issue.
  4. AlexeyZ1

    AlexeyZ1 Bit poster

    No, I was unable any "new" settings window and accounts are only managed via this "new" UI in Windows 10. So I was unable to create a new account.

    I installed Parallels 10 and reverted my machines to the nearest snapshot. I am staying away from Parallels 11 and thinking of asking for refund.
  5. ShimonyA

    ShimonyA Junior Member

    I created a new VM and its ok now! from scratch. Maybe you should try.
  6. AlexeyZ1

    AlexeyZ1 Bit poster

    Not really an option for me, I spent many hours setting up that machine.
  7. ShimonyA

    ShimonyA Junior Member

    Its windows 10, official release was not so long ego :)
    Good luck
  8. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    Could you check with another Windows user account or activate admin one executing in the cmd with admin privileges:
    net user administrator /active:yes
  9. JimK1

    JimK1 Bit poster

    Yes. $50 upgrade later, the world is screwed up. Widows tells me my screen resolution should be 3840x2160. Changing it to 1080 doesn't really solve the problem. The text is too small to read. The screen layout of the app I'm running is all screwed up. And its not Win 10 specific. When I use Win 8.1 instead, the problems remain. How do I revert to Parallels 10?
  10. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    Try to disable retina support in VM configuration > Hardware > Video. your app doesn't support highdpi
  11. JimK1

    JimK1 Bit poster

    Thank You!! That solved my problem!! Yes, I'm running the VMs on an external 1080 monitor. But, please, is this issue something I missed during the upgrade or is this (a perhaps unfortunate) default, set without informing me that it might need my attention. This issue seems to be new to Parallels 11. Is it not possible to check the monitor parameters of the screen you will bring the VM up in to match the screen resolution? - Thanks again for your help
  12. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    In Parallels Desktop 11 the scenario of using retina+external display has been improved. So now, when connecting external display better disable retina support
  13. JimK1

    JimK1 Bit poster

    Thanks, but I speculate that the vast bulk of external monitors attached to Macs are NOT retina, so wouldn't it be better to default to scaled resolution. Let those fortunate enough to have retina everywhere the pleasure of enabling the better resolution? Did a quick test and it seems the "scaled" resolution works fine on a retina screen
  14. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    it sounds reasonable. I guess the default is set to retina as there are more people who use Parallels Desktop on retina Mac's without external displays.
  15. StevenP2

    StevenP2 Bit poster

    What a nightmare release. Waste of money. Downgraded.
  16. TheodoreZ

    TheodoreZ Bit poster

    Your best bet is to reinstall Windows 10 in a new VM. After howls from the masses, Microsoft will now accept direct entry of Windows 7+ software key. I unchecked the requires a software key on installation and entered it later in settings. Since I work mostly on the Mac side, the only reinstalls were Office 365 and Sage Fixed Assets. Then I deactivated the Office 365 license on the old upgraded VM and trashed the old VM altogether. It took less time to do all that than a week's worth of daily startup and shutdown of that bad VM.

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