Windows 10 Bootcamp VM can't validate!

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by imacken, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. BenG2

    BenG2 Junior Member

    Any update from Parallels support?

    I doubt its the activation servers.

    Its more likely to be that Windows 10 can only be used on one specific hardware set and bootcamp via Parallels is effectively two.

    Is this the end of Parallels!???
  2. trebuin

    trebuin Member

    Mine finally activated without having to do anything other than wait for it to activate on its own.
  3. imacken

    imacken Hunter

    I am wondering this to.
    Parallels support continue to refuse to accept that this is a Parallels issue. My support ticket is being closed as I am being told to contact MS and that it is not a Parallels issue.
    We know it is a Parallels issue as Windows 10 clearly validates in a very different way to previous versions. If a product key has been validated in the Bootcamp install, the key is being rejected in the Parallels install, with no phone option, and no other way of inputting another key except for buying one from the Microsoft Store!
  4. BenG2

    BenG2 Junior Member

    Well it would be nice if someone from Parallels could confirm if contacting Microsoft would actually resolve the issue?

    or if anyone who has contacted Microsoft has an answer?

    As far as I can see, Parallels is now useless.........(for Windows 10)

    At what point can I claim a refund?
  5. imacken

    imacken Hunter

    I think there is indeed a major issue here. However, it is not just Parallels as I tried a trial of VMWare 7 earlier, and the same problem exists.
    The issue I think is that all VM software for Mac are in trouble with Bootcamp installs, as Windows 10 does not validate in the same way that previous versions did. The free upgrade locks to a specific device, and that will be the device you first validated in, so in my case, that is my Bootcamp install. In my opinion, the VM will never validate in Windows 10 as the genuine key is locked to the first install, and there is no obvious way of doing the previous method, i.e. calling MS and getting a code to allow your product key to validate again. There is nowhere to input any 'call MS' stuff!
    Also, there does not appear to be any obvious way of inputting another product key as clicking on the relevant box in Windows 10, just makes the window freeze!
    I wonder what is going to happen here!
  6. trebuin

    trebuin Member

    Here's what I have done to make sure it stays activated. When you're in bootcamp, keep the OS loaded until it auto activates...don't manually do it. Once it does, then leave it for a short bit (1hr should do) the restart into parallels mode. It should show not activated. Install or Reinstall parallel tools, restart then wait until it activates. Doing this, I had successful activation across four installs.
  7. imacken

    imacken Hunter

    Sadly, this didn't work!
  8. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Dear all, unfortunately we're unable to do anything with it because the issue is related to the Microsoft license policy.
    So, the license key for Windows OS cannot be used for several machines, like several PC or BootCamp and VM.
    Unfortunately this issue is out of the Parallels Team scope, please excuse the inconvenience.
    Please use the following MS KB as a probable solution and this article in order to contact Microsoft and ask them about license policy and reactivation.
  9. imacken

    imacken Hunter

    I really don't know why you (Parallels support) keep pushing that MS KB. IT IS NOT APPROPRIATE! How many times do we have to say this?
    The option to 'Activate by phone' does not appear when using Bootcamp!!!! This is because the product key has already been validated in Bootcamp install and there is no option to do the phone thing any more! THINGS HAVE CHANGED IN WINDOWS 10.
    So, Parallels support staff is effectively saying that Parallels and Bootcamp is a thing of the past! wow! This is breaking news.
    EDIT: Also, your link to the MS contact page is useless for anyone in the UK, or outside the Americas!
    mgol likes this.
  10. GrangerFX

    GrangerFX Junior Member

    Nope and nope. The first link is wrong. There is no phone number. The second link is for volume licensing and is not appropriate for individuals. This is what you do when you want to brush off users with a legitimate problem which you don't want to deal with yourself.
    From that first link:
    Windows 10
    To start Product Activation:
    1. Go to Start, then select Settings, choose Update & security, and then select Activation.
    2. If your device is not activated, the Activate by phone option will be available
  11. imacken

    imacken Hunter

    As has beeen stated several times here already, the phone option doesn't appear in the Bootcamp case!

    Attached Files:

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  12. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Please try the following steps:
    1. Press command + r buttons together
    2. And in the appeared window type: slui.exe 4
    3. Press Enter
    4. After that the window with possible ways of activation should appear
  13. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Sorry for the inconvenience, please use this link to contact Microsoft
  14. imacken

    imacken Hunter

    Thanks for that. I have been on the phone to MS all morning about this issue. They also suggested the command you did. Unfortunately, the phone activation did not work as the generated validation key is not correct. MS agree that my product key is genuine, and I am, as I write, online with the (elevated) tech support team. I will report back as soon as (if) I get an answer.
    It is also possible to use slui.exe 3 to re-enter the key (or another key) but that also didn't work. I really think there is a fundamental issue here for VMs and the new MS form of validation in W10.
  15. BenG2

    BenG2 Junior Member

    Thanks for the update imacken, please let us know how you get on. it looks like Windows 10 has effectively killed off the concept of a shared virtual machine!

    Strange Parallels are asking every user to contact Microsoft individually rather than just tackling the problem themselves. Effectively this has just removed a massive feature from their application!! Im surprised its a "user problem" that we need to resolve!!!
  16. transilvania

    transilvania Bit poster

    Strange Parallels? Why?
    If you have trouble with license on PC did you ask Parallels? or HP or Sony?
    This is Microsoft license and they have to change license politic for Boot Camp and other virtualization. I like my Boot Camp but tried to install VMware jf test and they had this problem too.
    You see, it's not an issue of virtualization soft.
  17. imacken

    imacken Hunter

    I think you are right. It could be the end of shared VMs. Got basically nowhere with MS. They all said there should not be a problem as my key is valid and that I should be able to re-enter it for the VM or do it by phone. Windows 10 has changed the Bootcamp/VM world totally.
  18. BenG2

    BenG2 Junior Member

    No, you are right I dont speak to Sony or Hp or Apple but....

    ...its clearly an issue for virtualisation software suppliers .......Id expect them to speak to Microsoft about making sure the virtualisation software they sell works as stated and find out whats broken their application. Otherwise they need to stop stating that it works with Windows 10 and Bootcamp!!!!.......

    Parallels make a lot of money, Mircosoft disabling a fundamental feature impacts the revenue stream of the company, so it makes perfect sense for Parallels (or whicever company ) to work with Microsoft to come up with a solution.

    Microsoft can change their policy (although not sure they have!), if you could point me to the change you refer to that would be interesting to see...???
  19. imacken

    imacken Hunter

    'Did you ask Parallels'??? What do you think this thread (and others) is about!
    Also, it's precisely because VMWare and Parallels both have the problem that makes it a 'virtualisation soft' issue!
  20. BenG2

    BenG2 Junior Member

    Thanks for the update.

    Wow, thats bad news....! Looks like the end of me purchasing Parallels updates!!!

    Wonder if I can get a refund!!

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