OK, the big question (El Capitan)...

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by JNuzzi, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    you should disable rootless: http://kb.parallels.com/en/123072
  2. Holtfreter

    Holtfreter Bit poster

    @JustMark the USB issue is still there after Upgrade to El Capitain 10.11 beta 3, and parallels Update
    Version 10.2.1 (29006) Hope for fast solution. i use parallels from v7 to v10 every year a new version paid of course.
  3. JohnW4

    JohnW4 Junior Member

    Installed first public beta of 10.11 today on my Mac; my Win 8.1 VM mostly works and does see my networked machines/NAS
    and does see my Samsung T1 SSD (which has my 8.1 VM on it) via USB 3.0 on my MBA; my WIN 10 Pre-Release, however,
    does not see the T1 when I run that VM; I do not run the two Windows VM at the same time; file transfer speeds seem
    a bit higher with this combo but there are so many network variables it's hard to generalize the speeds & feeds
    at this time; I'm just glad that it works at all; I'll keep running things and report back on anything worthwhile to mention
  4. JohnW4

    JohnW4 Junior Member

    Well, I think I'll wait for Parallels to get their Version 10 a little more ready for OS X 10.11; just too
    many irritants for now to make this work; main 2 irritants: Win 8.1 Desktop will not render itself and 2)all the
    8.1 applications listed all ask for an associated app to run; it's as tho the Parallels install is disconnected
    from OS X itself; tried re-installing Parallels to no avail; for me at least 10.2.1 is not ready for El Capitan betas
    at this moment; this is no knock on the company; it will work fine one day..
  5. JohnW4

    JohnW4 Junior Member

    Moved my WIN 8.1 VM from my Samsung T1 (USB 3.0) to my main HD in my MBA and now Parallels
    is behaving much better with El Capitan..so, yes, as written above by others the USB connections
    appear to be problematic at this time
  6. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    it's quite logical that performance is worse when VM is located on the ext. drive. The others are writing about forwarding USB devices in the VM (via devices > external devices dialog), not about your case. Was performance better in Yosemite when running VM located on external drive?
  7. JohnW4

    JohnW4 Junior Member

    The performance on the T1 SSD was blazing (primarily because the MBA 2014 has such fast USB 3.0 ports and
    fast internal SSD HD; Parallels 10 performed very well with this combo and is the main reason I bought the
    T1 in the first place; even tho Parallels is functioning significantly better on my internal HD it is still
    quite buggy and generally unreliable; I find myself re-starting Win 8.1 frequently to clear pause and suspend issues;
    Windows desktop still does not render itself correctly either..Thanx for the reply
  8. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    thanks for reply. You probably can check the read/write speed on El Capitan and on Yosemite (if any available). As for the other issues will wait for the compatibility improvements.. =)
  9. LucaC1

    LucaC1 Bit poster

    I had this issue while working on Parallels 9. The "rootless" way just didn't work. I thought, reading from this thread that I was needed to be on 10.2.1, so I downloaded it. Still it doesn't work.

    I've so far tried:
    1. removing the VM file
    2. then applying the rootless command (MAC rebooted)
    3a. trying to create a new VM: no BOOTCAMP option was offered
    3b. trying to reactivate the previous VM: usual, well know error.

    Any suggestion?
  10. JohnW4

    JohnW4 Junior Member

    I reverted to Yosemite 10.10.4; 10.11 beta was just too buggy and my Win 8.1 VM worked very irradically;
    concentrating now on Parallels 10 working with Win 10...will Parallels plan to update 10.2.1 for Win 10?
  11. EJRickson

    EJRickson Bit poster

    Thanks for this thread... helped me fix this for the wifey! ;)
  12. edwardd20

    edwardd20 Member

    Hi all. Starting with b5, this didn't work for me anymore. I found this thread on the Apple developer forum: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/4138. Basically it says you now have to disable via the Recovery Partition. Boot with Command-R, then one of the menu options is Security. This worked for me.
    GregS3 likes this.
  13. Henry-In-Florida

    Henry-In-Florida Member

    NG. Parallels Tools does not run to completion... Pic link here.
  14. GregS3

    GregS3 Bit poster

    This did the trick for me. Nice find!
  15. TrentW1

    TrentW1 Bit poster

    Guys, my problem is a little different and I can't find specific help for it. I'm on the current El Capitan beta trying to open Parallels to acces a Windows 8 VM. Everything worked flawlessly until Beta 3... When I click to open parallels it crashes and reboots my Mac before app even opens. 2 support calls, 4 hours of tinkering and a parallels employee remote logged into my computer still no progress. I've uninstalled and reinstalled and tried several other options. Does anyone have a miracle cure for me? Please?

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