Cannot mount Windows VM in OS X Yosemite

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by Gareth_Davies, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. Gareth_Davies

    Gareth_Davies Junior Member

    Can anyone help?
    I'm using Parallels 9 with Yosemite.
    All of my settings seem to be correct but I can't access the Windows virtual disk from OS X - it is not present on the desktop and it cannot be accessed any other way I've tried either (from terminal or Finder). I can access OS X file space from the Windows VM.
    Finder preferences is set to show "Connected servers" and Parallels sharing options are set to mount virtual disks to Mac desktop.
    When I try to mount the pvm file manually using Parallels Mounter (9) I get an error telling me that "Parallels Mounter is unable to open the virtual hard disk. Either the hard disk has no volumes of its file system is not supported or contains errors".
    Robin Curtis likes this.
  2. Myself_-_Chuong_Nguyen

    Myself_-_Chuong_Nguyen Bit poster

    I have the same issue. Can anyone from Parallel confirm this is a bug and a fix will be coming in the updated version?
    Robin Curtis likes this.
  3. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Please generate a Problem Report ID as suggested at and provide us the Problem Report ID number, so we can check it for you.
    Robin Curtis likes this.
  4. Mihai_Badea

    Mihai_Badea Bit poster

    I have the exact problem. Ever since updating to Yosemite I was unable to use Parallels Mounter on any of my images or hdds, including a Windows 7 and Debian machines.

    Parallel Mounter says:
    Parallels Mounter is unable to open the virtual hard disk.
    Either the hard disk has no volumes or its file system is not supported or contains errors. Start your virtual machine and check the disk for file system errors.​

    No matter what combination of sharing settings I choose in the virtual machine configuration there is never a /Volumes/C mount so I can't access my Windows files from Mac.

    Parallels has broken this in version 9 and there is no way to fix it. Some people byte the bullet and upgrade to parallels 10 for a fee but I think it is unfair to break a feature and require payable upgrade for the fix.
    Chickoo and Robin Curtis like this.
  5. Sebastien_Spas

    Sebastien_Spas Bit poster

    Exact same problem here :(

    Seems something is wrong with the Parallels FileSystem driver, I am seeing the following error in /var/log/system.log:[20]: ERROR: invalid signature for com.parallels.filesystems.prlufs, will not load
    Robin Curtis likes this.
  6. Paul_Reynolds

    Paul_Reynolds Bit poster

    This is also affecting me, and this is a mission critical feature for my work. I have created a problem report 53847076.
    Virtual Machine disks no longer mount in OSX Yosemite since upgrade. I have fully up-to-date Parallels 9. I cannot manually mount disks with Parallels mounter either; I receive an error that appears to be permissions based. I have checked permissions of the virtual hdd, and even made a copy, given all users read/write and replaced original drive with updated copy.
    I hope that you are working to address this issue.

    Screen Shot 2014-11-24 at 9.37.19 AM.png
  7. montgomeryc

    montgomeryc Bit poster

    same error here. Any updates on this issue? Will upgrading to Parallels 10 fix the problem?
  8. Paul_Reynolds

    Paul_Reynolds Bit poster

    Why is there no activity from Parallels support on this issue? Parallels 9 is broken for Yosemite users, although you state support of this OSX version for it. I'll restate that this is a mission critical issue for my work and I'd appreciate an update from staff on whether this is being investigate/ when we can expect resolution or I'll have to abandon your product.
  9. Robin Curtis

    Robin Curtis Member

    Have exactly the same problem reported here - cannot mount C: drive in Mac, or use PT Mounter either. Spent all morning on it - thinking that it must be a new setting / reset issue with Yosemite/Finder etc. Then tripped over this thread. Very annoying. Let's hope they fix it quickly.
  10. Robin Curtis

    Robin Curtis Member

    Submitted a Tech Request yesterday. They have come back asking me to Repair Permissions on the Mac Hard Drive, and to resetpassword. All done - no change. Won't mount C: drive in the Finder when VM is running, and Parallels Mounter still reports the same error message when trying to mount drive when VM not running. Error message attached. Will await next instruction from on high........

    Attached Files:

  11. Robin Curtis

    Robin Curtis Member

    ok folks - don't bang your heads against the wall any more - looks like Parallels 9 does not support this feature in Yosemite. I am now at Level 2 support and this is the latest message:
    The issue was reviewed by Secondline Technical Support.
    The issue you have reported is caused by the major changes in Yosemite OS. Parallels Desktop 9 was designed for Mavericks OS.
    Please note that the new version of Parallels Desktop 10 is fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
  12. RobF1

    RobF1 Bit poster

    I'm using Parallels v10 and am seeing this issue. I have installed and reinstalled Parallels Tools. Checked all the appropriate file sharing options under Configure for the VM. Installed MacFUSE (which doesn't work in the latest MBP with Yosemite). Installed the predecessor, FUSE for OS X v2.7.5. Nothing works.

    Let me throw a wrench in this engine and say that yesterday, the VM's drive was available in the finder. Worked great. Today, after restarting the VM, it does not work. And I went through all those steps I listed above again.
  13. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    @RobF1, do you use the latest build of Parallels Desktop 10? (10.2.1-29006)
  14. Robin Curtis

    Robin Curtis Member

    No - I am using Parallels 9 - and I am told that this is the problem. When I save up enough pennies, or when Parallels offer a discount - I'll upgrade to 10 !!
  15. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    so that's why I've asked you about the v10.
    So, this issue is caused by the major changes in Yosemite OS and also Parallels Desktop 9 was designed for Mavericks OS.
    Robin Curtis likes this.
  16. Robin Curtis

    Robin Curtis Member

    That's what Parallels tell me........
  17. RobF1

    RobF1 Bit poster

    I am running Yosemite (10.10.3) along with Parallels 10.2.1 (29006) and I can't mount my Windows VM in OSX either. This is not just a Parallels 9/Yosemite issue. I ahve all my settings in Parallels set to allow access to Windows folders under Mac.
  18. Ram@Parallels

    Ram@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi RobF1,
    Please follow the steps suggested below and let us know how it works.
    1. Enable smart mount by to > Virtual Machine configure ( )> Options > Sharing > under share Windows > Select shortcuts to Virtual disks on Mac desktop.
    2. Install Parallels Tools manually as suggested at and check if the issue still persisting.
  19. RobF1

    RobF1 Bit poster

    All options under Share Windows are checked and I have installed and reinstalled Parallels Tools multiple times.
  20. FerranG

    FerranG Bit poster

    Same problem than @RobF1 here: Parallels Mounter doesn't mount my VM, a 18GB Windows XP file, as a drive I can read/write in OSX. When I try "Open with... Parallels Mounter" on my VM file, I can see the dialog "Mounting WindowsXP.pvm...", then it disappears and nothing else happens, VM is not visible. I've checked with "Activity Monitor" and it shows two processes with the name "Parallels Mounter", you can quit them without forcing them, but nothing else.

    FYI, I'm running latest version of OSX Yosemite, v10.10.4, and latest version of Parallels, v10.2.1 (29006). I'm also using TuxeraNTFS to read/write my BootCamp partition, but disabling it doesn't make any difference.

    If you need any other info, just ask.

    Please do your best to solve this issue, I DO need to be able to read/write that VM file from OSX for my work. Thanks.



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