Parallels 10 and Yosemite issue

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Trent_Bodin, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Trent_Bodin

    Trent_Bodin Bit poster

    Updated to Parallels 10 and Yosemite today, when I open Windows 7 I can only see half the windows page and there is 2 screens with white lines. I've removed all Parallels from the computer and reloaded it and I'm still having the same issue.

    I've been at this for a few hours and most of my hair is on the desk around me.o_O

    Attached Files:

  2. Trent_Bodin

    Trent_Bodin Bit poster

    I was able to lower the resolution about 6 screen sizes smaller by clicking all over the screen until dumb luck struck and I was able to blindly locate the ok button. Issue fixed.....going fix a strong drink now.:confused:
  3. Richard_Lee1

    Richard_Lee1 Junior Member

    I haven't experienced that particular situation. Do you recall what was the res on the Win7 VM under the previous version?

    I hope your hair grows back.

    Just for interest:
    With several linux VMs (I _think_ all XFCE or Lxde desktops) the res and extent on the monitor were wrong following install.
    First thing is always to install Parallels Tools, and then reboot the VM a couple of times from the host/parallels menu... and they have sorted themselves out.
  4. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    This seems like a display driver issue, are Parallels Tools installed?

    You can restart (ctrl+alt+del two times if nothing else works). You can boot Windows into safe mode and perform the uninstall/reinstall of Parallels Tools.

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