Parallels 10 on Mac OS X 10.10 DP6 - All Windows Guest VMs Slow

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Markcub, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. xnetdude

    xnetdude Bit poster

    I have to say as a fairly new convert to Parallels (and luckily one who hasn't upgraded from 9 to 10) I am shocked at the lack of transparency from Parallels on this serious issue. Clearly they are aware of the problem so some form of update for their loyal (and evidently eager customers) should have been forthcoming by now, even if to say they are still working on it!
  2. qtzar

    qtzar Junior Member

    Yeah Right! They just released Fusion 7. It has the exact same issue, single core being spiked out.
    Only mention of issue in their discussion forums is a couple of people saying that Parallels has a similar issue and the last post is Aug 25th with zero input from VMware
    They are as bad as each other.
  3. qtzar

    qtzar Junior Member

    Could it be this simple...

    I've been using the Yosemite DP's since the first one, always upgrading via the app store as the updates came out.

    I just downloaded the full DP7 installer, created a bootable install disk and then rebuilt my test machine after first using DiskUtil to wipe the drive so that it would be a 100% fresh install. First thing I installed afterwards is Parallels 10 and then loaded up one of my existing VMs and it is working perfectly. using all cores, no single core running at 100%. It loaded in seconds instead of minutes.

    Could it be as simple as something bad in the update process for the DPs, some file not replaced correctly, some bad cache somewhere ???
  4. Markcub

    Markcub Member

    Hi qtzar,

    You got me thinking. I downloaded the complete Mac OS X 10.10 DP7 installer from the App Store. I got access to this by redeeming my code found on the Apple Developer member's Mac OS X 10.10 DP7 area. This downloaded a complete 'Install DP7' package into my Applications. This is a complete install, not a delta from DP6 to DP7.

    Anyway, I just ran the 'Install Mac OS X 10.10 DP7' complete package (even though I already had DP7 installed), and guess what? Parallels Desktop 10 is performing as expected!

    It looks like there could be (as qtzar said) an issue with the Mac OS X 10.10 DP delta upgrades?

    In my personal circumstances, I reinstalled the complete 10.10 DP7 on top of my existing DP7 installation, and my issue with the Parallels Desktop 10 slowness vanished. Mac OS X 10.10 kept all my apps and settings, and continued as normal.

    Maybe it could work for other people? I can't say for sure, but it did for me.

    I shall submit another problem report so the Parallels guys can compare my reports.

  5. Markcub

    Markcub Member

    As promised, here are my problem reports for Parallels to compare.

    The report id for my Mac OS X 10.10 DP7 install where Parallels Desktop 10 was slow because of interrupt storm on is 49669266.

    The report id for my in-place reinstall of Mac OS X 10.10 DP7 where Parallels Desktop 10 works as intended is 49721312.

    These id give you a before (broken) and after (fixed) reports to compare. Same hardware, same config, etc etc.

    Hopefully this will be useful to you!

  6. beta_danny.byrd

    beta_danny.byrd Bit poster

    Nice Job

    I performed your procedure and it worked great. The odd thing is, I formatted my machine and installed the latest build and still had the same problem. I reinstalled DP7 over my new install after I had Parallels installed and it worked great.

  7. Markcub

    Markcub Member

    That is weird, so maybe the Mac OS X 10.10 DP installer is just broken, period. Installing it twice fixes something that isn't installed or configured correctly the first time around! The wonders of beta software :)

  8. ThomasSc

    ThomasSc Bit poster


    Same for me. Re-Installed Public Beta 1 on 10.10 Public Beta 2 and it worked ! Even after updating the via App Store to PB 2 again. Seem Paralles corupts something within the 10.10 installation. I just re-installed on top of 10.10. you do not loose anything or have to re-install any other software. Great ! At least a working work around !
  9. Daghis

    Daghis Bit poster

    I've also been running into the interrupt storm problem since Yosemite DP6 and also DP7.

    I tried reinstalling DP7 using the full installer, but that didn't improve things.

    I then reinstalled DP2 and confirmed that the ACPIPlatform interrupt storm stopped.

    Next, I upgraded to DP7 using the full installer. The interrupts remained stopped.

    Now, here's the problem I ran into: I ran Trim Enabler to enable TRIM on my added SSD, and when the system rebooted, the ACPIPlatform kext was interrupting a couple hundred thousand times per second.

    It seems that there may be some negative interaction between Trim Enabler and the ACPIPlatform kext.
  10. Markcub

    Markcub Member

    Hi guys,

    My interrupt storm with came back!

    I am not certain what triggered it. The most likely thing I can think of was installing the Logitech Gaming Software app and drivers. I didn't attempt to run a Parallels Desktop VM after installing the software until this morning, so I'm not certain what caused the issue to resurface.

    However, I reinstalled complete Mac OS X 10.10 DP7 on top of my existing installation once more (without wipe, keep apps and settings), and it is all working again.

    Maybe I won't see the issue again as I don't plan on installing any more software, but at least I know a good way of working around the issue!

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
  11. AshotP

    AshotP Junior Member

    Parallels reps, are you guys will show up and let us know about this issues and when expect a Fix? it has been about a week since Rep responded here last time.

    Did installation DP7 again, over already installed DP7 with full installer... Parallels working like a charm, perhaps something is getting corrupted or wrong time to time and it cause Paralells go nuts on one core only.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
  12. nick.lowe

    nick.lowe Bit poster

    You all appear to be missing the fact that Yosemite is pre-release beta software from Apple, a moving goal post, and support in Parallels 10 is preliminary and a nice-to-have.
    The bug could easily be Apple's to fix rather than Parallels'.
    Why are you all using pre-release beta software outside of a test environment? What did you expect?

    GUISLAIN Bit poster

    I have reinstall DP7 over my DP7 and it's work perfect and I saw a new update :

    This update for Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac build 10.0.2 (27712) addresses overall stability and performance issues, and includes the following fixes:

    - Resolves an issue with accidental keyboard input in Coherence
    - Resolves an issue with Parallels Tools installation in Ubuntu 14.10 virtual machines
    - Resolves an issue with distorted Windows OS native sounds when LogMeIn is installed
    - Resolves an issue with excessive CPU usage by the prl_tools_service.exe process in Boot Camp virtual machines
    - Resolves an issue with virtual machines crashing when shutting down
  14. Markcub

    Markcub Member

    Hello Nick,

    I started this thread, and if you read my opening post you can see that I wasn't demanding a fix from Parallels. I was only attempting to open a dialog with Parallels and other users. I was hoping for acknowledgement of the issue, and hopefully a workaround. I didn't know at the outset (and still don't know!) if the issue is with Mac OS X 10.10 DP (beta) or with Parallels Desktop. I most certainly wasn't screaming at Parallels demanding that they fix Parallels Desktop 10.

    You are completely correct in that the issue may be with the Mac OS X DP/beta, rather than with Parallels Desktop. Parallels may be in discussion with Apple about this problem. Once that has worked its way through, either Apple with fix Mac OS X at release or in a future DP/beta, or Parallels will know that the OS is the way it is meant to be, and they can issue a fix.

    There is nothing at all in any of the posts in this thread that shows that it is a Parallels Desktop issue, and not a Mac OS X 10.10 DP/beta issue.

    I feel some sympathy for Parallels as Apple is well known for its secrecy. Their hands may be tied, which is why we are seeing lack of feedback on this forum.

    However, the way in which Parallels handled my private support case regarding this issue was appalling. I have asked for a customer service agent to get in touch with me, and as yet they have not bothered.

    Parallels released Desktop 10 with one of the major selling points as 'Ready for OS X Yosemite'. It evidently isn't. They took a big risk in saying that, because Yosemite isn't finished. I paid money to upgrade to PD 10 specifically to use this Yosemite feature. I have bought a product that isn't functioning as advertised.

    To sum up, I wasn't demanding a fix, we still don't know where the fault lies but we have a workaround. However, I think Parallel's community interaction has been sub-par. Very disappointing.

    Kind regards,
  15. Markcub

    Markcub Member

    Hi Guislain,

    I will try this new version. However, this isn't a description of my issue (what this thread is about), or most other people's issues. My problem has nothing to do with Bootcamp based VMs.

  16. Markcub

    Markcub Member

    I have upgraded 10.0.2, but the most I can say is that it hasn't made my issue come back :)

    I have used the 're-install the same beta/DP over the top' workaround, and wasn't seeing the problem before anyway. It will be interesting to hear back from others that were still seeing the issue, and whether this build fixes it?

  17. HeliosG

    HeliosG Bit poster

    A few days ago I did the reinstall of Yosemite Beta 2 and everything was working well. Today I updated to the new Parallel 10.0.2 (27712) and though not as bad as before the slow down (lag) is back. I am going to (re)reinstall Yosemite Beta 2 and hope it fixes whatever the issue is.

    Anybody else seeing the lag after installing 10.0.2?

  18. Markcub

    Markcub Member

    Hmm, so that sounds like 10.0.2 may not fix the ACPIPlatform interrupt storm (which wouldn't surprise me, it doesn't say in the patch notes that it will!). Have you tried using the trace_intr tool to see you are seeing the ACPIPlatform issue? It may be something else.


    GUISLAIN Bit poster

    Bad joy ! After reboot same problem...
  20. Markcub

    Markcub Member

    Hello Guislain,

    Can you please follow the steps at and let us know if you find anything?

    The problem we've been seeing is with ACPIPlatform. If your's doesn't show this, or something different, it is a different issue.

    You won't be able to unload ACPIPlatform as directed in that knowledge base article, but this is normal.


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