Parallels 10 on Mac OS X 10.10 DP6 - All Windows Guest VMs Slow

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Markcub, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Markcub

    Markcub Member

    Hello guys,

    I am running Parallels 10 on Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) DP6. All my VMs are running slow (stuttering).

    I have tried lots of different options: turning off/DX9/DX10 3D acceleration, uninstalling/reinstalling Parallels tools, turning on/off Adaptive Hypervisor, Coherence on/off, disabling sound, internal/external drive for VM, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012...

    I have Googled the issue, and searched the Parallels KB, and can't find anything.

    All slow and stuttering. Nothing in the Windows Event Log, or the Mac OS X Console.

    Any ideas? I know Mac OS X 10.10 is beta, and I am prepared for it to be broken. I just wanted to know if it was a known issue, if there was a workaround, or if people knew of a fix?

    Thanks a lot,
  2. jlm72

    jlm72 Bit poster

    I'm experiencing that exact same thing. My Linux VM's all work flawlessly (in fact I can see the speed gains after upgrading to 10) but any Windows VM just crawls along. I've even uninstalled/re-installed Parallels and pulled out an old VM with the same results across both an iMac (2011) and MacBook Air (2011).

    Any help with this is greatly appreciated!!!

  3. staylor

    staylor Bit poster

    I'm on the regular Mavericks release and notice the same thing running in coherence mode, sometimes Visual Studio 2013 just CRAWWLS trying to open up a menu. Opening the Windows 8.1 "start menu" is also brutally slow.
  4. Markcub

    Markcub Member

  5. beta_danny.byrd

    beta_danny.byrd Bit poster

    Not functional at all

    I am seeing the exact same thing. Cannot run any version of Windows in a VM at all. Take the Mac to over 100%. I have a 3.4ghz iMac i7 with 16GB RAM and 500GB SSD. The VM with Parallels 10 is too slow to operate at all. It took Parallels Tools over an hour to install. They obviously didn't test too well before releasing this version. Parallels 9 was fine. Sure hope they fix this quickly, so for now I will just have to use Virtual Box.

  6. Markcub

    Markcub Member

    Hello again,

    I just tried uninstalling PD10 and deleting as many Parallels Desktop settings/plist files, etc, that I could find.

    Re-installed PD10, and it is just the same. Slow and stuttering.

  7. CarstenBrenner

    CarstenBrenner Bit poster

    same, too
    PD10, OSX 10.10 DP6
  8. keithwarren7

    keithwarren7 Bit poster

    Similar experience. Latest Mavericks with Windows 8.1 guest, upgraded to PD10 last night and the VM is considerably slower than PD9. Sluggish is a good term to describe it. Usable but annoying. Upgraded expecting a "50%" increase or whatever the marketing claimed and am quickly trying to run back to PD9 until they get this fixed.
  9. mikeruoc

    mikeruoc Member

    Same here DP6. I would describe it as a few clicks behind. You click something nothing happens. Then 3 seconds later you see the click. Same with typing way behind. Audio is broken into small sounds that are spaced out. VM's are unusable. 27 inch iMac i7 32gb of RAM 256GB SSD. Was perfect under 10.9.
  10. keithwarren7

    keithwarren7 Bit poster

    Interesting...before I upgraded to PD10 I did not backup my guest OS file which had been running just fine under PD9. Upgraded to 10 and things got real sluggish. Decided to go back to PD9 and things are just as sluggish. Went back and made sure my machine config was the same as it was when things were all good under PD9.

    Seems as if some change was made to the guest when in PD10 or a change was made on the host when PD10 installed. Hoping Parallels responds to this and gives us some idea of what to do.
  11. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Hi all,

    We have escalated your issue to our Development Team for further investigation. If a fix is available it will be included in an upcoming software update, however they do not share an ETA for a fix until one is available. To enable automatic updates, from the Parallels Desktop Menu, select Preferences > General > Download Updates Automatically.

    We appreciate your time and patience.
  12. mikeruoc

    mikeruoc Member

    Glad to hear it. Just wish it was out now. :) Installing VMware Fusion Tech Preview to see if I can use that until we get a patch.
  13. Traveloguy

    Traveloguy Bit poster

    I would be careful going down that path. Seems they are having the same problems as us!

    I suspect part of the problem is that I don't believe OS X Guest operating systems support any form of hardware acceleration.
  14. AshotP

    AshotP Junior Member

    omg omg, this is dead slow. on maverick and parallels 9 everything was flying super fast... Yosemite dp6 and windows 7 (10 min to load) :( hope by release of Yosemite, Parallels will find solution and will work as fast as before.
  15. Digdug

    Digdug Junior Member

    Same problem on my macbook pro. i7, 16gb, 500g ssd. Its like remote desktop over a slow network slow.
  16. qtzar

    qtzar Junior Member

    Looks like there is an update available. fingers crossed it resolves this issue.
  17. mikeruoc

    mikeruoc Member


    Where do you see an update?
  18. qtzar

    qtzar Junior Member

    Check for updates on the Parallels menu. Version 10.0.1 (27695)
  19. mikeruoc

    mikeruoc Member

    Mine keeps saying I have the latest.
  20. mikeruoc

    mikeruoc Member

    Anyone have a link?

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