Parallels Desktop 9 and Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite (as a guest OS) compatibility

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by Andrew@Parallels, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. jebworks

    jebworks Member

    I've just tried to install Mavericks as a guest OS using the Recovery Partition function and it stalls out. Using the .dmg image file function doesn't work as the Mac OS X Apps seems not to be recognized as an install file. What's going on here?
  2. DavidW2

    DavidW2 Bit poster

    Hmm, I'm running Parallels Desktop on Yosemite, with the latest DP of 10.10. I'm using Parallels to run Windows 8.1 on Yosemite, but whenever I browse around Modern/Metro apps within Windows, the Mac kernel panics (i.e the Mac mini just restarts completely) - it seems to only really be when using Metro/Modern UI apps. For example, I can boot into Win 8.1 and use the desktop, but opening the Mail app or Flipboard, for example, will reboot the Mac. Also, the graphics seem jittery when compared to what they were on Mavericks.
  3. MMiguelE

    MMiguelE Bit poster

    Same problem here, under Windows 8.1. Mac just restarts completely when you try to open a Windows app. Also noticed that under Windows 7 the VM freezes when I try to perform an uninstall. Other apps are working under Windows 7.
  4. BryanJ

    BryanJ Bit poster

    Andrew@Parallels - can you please confirm the engineering team plans to add Yosemite as a GUEST support to Parallels 9 and not just a new version 10 they're feverishly trying to push out in time for the GA Yosemite release?
  5. PleasespecifyYourNickName

    PleasespecifyYourNickName Bit poster

    I'm really disappointed by Parallels Desktop. It has been well over a month now that OS X Yosemite for beta testers came out, and I'm still not able to install it as a guest to test my own software. Should I really need to switch to VirtualBox or VMWare just to be able to install Yosemite?
  6. svoida

    svoida Bit poster

    Apparently, yes.
  7. SPX

    SPX Junior Member

    Tried VMware Fusion and could install Yosemite without any problems, it isn't fast but works.

    To bad a company like parallels who is owning the Mac virtualisation market for many years now can't make it work...
  8. daemuzik

    daemuzik Bit poster

    Parallels was working perfectly with Yosemite for all my OS's (Win 8.1, Ubuntu 13.01) until I updated it today (as prompted by Parallels). Now it doesn't even start. Not even the icon will load.

    My advise, if it is currently working for you on 10.10, is not to update. Now I have to try and revert to my previous version.
  9. ChaseTB

    ChaseTB Bit poster

    Until Apple drops the BETA in OS X 10.10 Yosemite BETA, I believe you need to re-think that statement.
  10. MMiguelE

    MMiguelE Bit poster

    Today's Yosemite BETA 4 seems to have solved kernel panics. I'm running Windows 8.1 and seems ok.
  11. JettLag

    JettLag Bit poster

    Public beta launching tomorrow (July 24). Any news from Parallels?
  12. jebworks

    jebworks Member

    Surprised at the silence. Yes, the public beta launches tomorrow and Apple actually recommends to install it on a "secondary device". This is exactly what Parallels would be ideal for if the guys could make it work! I don't know why they can't focus on this instead of making Parallels run on the Yosemite.
  13. Ensoniq

    Ensoniq Bit poster

    Agreed. All focus should have been on making Yosemite work as a GUEST OS first. It doesn't need to work properly as a host until the end of September. But we've all wanted a safe place to test it on our preferred virtualization software since WWDC.
  14. jebworks

    jebworks Member

    Exactly. Their focus should be on what makes Parallels useful and that us running guest OS not on having it perform on a beta just for developers. Those guys can wait or usually have multiple machines anyway for testing.
  15. Shaoolin

    Shaoolin Bit poster

    Well, here is what their VP of communication had to say on Twitter:

    Of course he does not mention that the version of PD on which Yosemite runs is not available to mere mortals like us. Clearly they're behind.
  16. jebworks

    jebworks Member

    Well, it's previews don't work on Parallels Desktop! Just tried to install Yosemite on a clean Mavericks OS and it comes up with an error message. I guess it'll work once Yosemite is released to the public when I no longer need a virtual machine to test it......!!!
  17. sandeepchdy

    sandeepchdy Bit poster

    I also tried installing Yosemite beta for public today on a clean Mavericks install in Parallels. It brings me to darwin boot loader screen. Not sure Whether other people also get stuck here. I am a newbie. Please pardon my ignorance if there is already a fix to it.
  18. The Patcher

    The Patcher Bit poster

    I have exactly the same problem - I've managed to install Mavericks as guest OS, but no luck with the current Yosemite Beta, got stuck in the darwin boot loader screen.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
  19. Gilescooperuk

    Gilescooperuk Bit poster

    I guess this is the same as other people. One Screen with a Parallels badge at the top and a Macintosh HD apple logo in the centre that doesn't do anything?

    yosemite install.png
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2014
  20. SthlmSwe

    SthlmSwe Bit poster

    @Gilescooperuk I get the exact thing. Has anyone heard ANYTHING from Parallels regarding when they will come out with an update so this works? Cheers

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