Parallels 9 shows guest icon in dock bar?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by JamesBailey, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. DarrynF

    DarrynF Bit poster

    I agree with this thread, parallels is really useful to me only when it's invisible.
    If I have to interact with parallels rather than my windows applications it becomes more annoying than useful.
    Please provide an option to remove the dock icon.
  2. MacDotNet

    MacDotNet Bit poster

    Add me to the list of haters for PD9's forced dock icon. What's the best outlet to complain through to get Parallels to fix this?
  3. Cramill

    Cramill Bit poster

    I've tried contacting their customer support and also I've used some sort of "Contact Us" form on their site, too. I would try all of the outlets you can find - maybe they'll get the point if they keep getting this request.
  4. Njt123

    Njt123 Bit poster

    Add me to the list...PD9 is Junk without crystal mode...I run a business, I need productivity...I have to CMD TAB, TAB to go back and forth between two applications instead of the standard CMD TAB...utterly, totally stupid from parallels and drives me bat s**t every single day.
  5. Looran@Parallels

    Looran@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi Everyone,

    The Windows Start menu icon was introduced with the release of Parallels Desktop 9 and it cannot be hidden or removed from the Dock in Coherence mode.

    This information is available at:

  6. Cramill

    Cramill Bit poster

    Yes, we know. This is exactly what we are complaining about. It was possible to hide/remove it in previous versions of Parallels, why is it not an option to hide/remove it in Parallels 9?!
  7. qwerty-par

    qwerty-par Junior Member

    Why did everyone stop complaining? I skipped V9 and now in V10 I have this very mess. This is a PITA in square! Thanks Loperation for the hint to kill that annoying feature. Still, why can't I turn that off with an option? And what the hell should that be good for anyway???
  8. qwerty-par

    qwerty-par Junior Member

    Holy Crap! That beast restarts a short time after killing it. WHAT THE HECK????????????????? Are you mad, Parallels?
  9. qwerty-par

    qwerty-par Junior Member

    So here we go: in your VM you find a WinAppHelper executable. You need to find that in terminal (try find <PVM> -name WinHelper where <PVM> is the path to your VM). Remove that file and restart your VM. What a relief!
  10. SmittyofDHS

    SmittyofDHS Bit poster


    We stopped complaining because Parallels isn’t listening. They never do and I’ve had it. I moved to VMWare Fusion and could not be happier. Parallels 8 was the last good version, 9 got weird and 10 is even worse. I even purchased 10 hoping it would resolve some of these issues. Within 24 hours I was requesting a refund and went to Fusion. I suggest you try out Fusion.
  11. qwerty-par

    qwerty-par Junior Member

    Seems that happens with most companies that get fat over time and don't get off the chair anymore. My above work around has solved my issue but I'll keep your advise in mind for the next switch. Cheers.
  12. Abdul@Parallels

    Abdul@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi All,

    The Dock icon of Virtual Machine is a feature in Parallels Desktop 10 which cannot be removed/hidden. It helps in accessing the particular Virtual Machine at a click.
    Please let us know any technical issues with Parallels Desktop, we are here to help you.
  13. qwerty-par

    qwerty-par Junior Member

    Seems SmittyofDHS is right. You can't even read. I was able to get rid of this completely useless crap (see my post above). Next time I will not update but instead switch to some other VM.
  14. Abdul@Parallels

    Abdul@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi qwerty-par,

    As default the Dock Icons cannot be removed, which was mentioned in my previous post as well.
    You have removed the icon through a terminal command.

    We have passed the query regarding Parallels Dock icons to the concern team.
  15. Luis1

    Luis1 Bit poster

    I just updated to Parallels 9 and I found that there was no way to get rid of the annoying dock icon while in coherence mode.
  16. qwerty-par

    qwerty-par Junior Member

    Oh how nice. The last update brought the icon back >:-(

    And even worse. They seemed to have found another way to produce it. The WinHelper is gone and the icon is there. WTF!!!!!! Are you gone completely crazy? This is DEFINITELY the last update I loaded. I want my money back. This is a load of scrap!
  17. qwerty-par

    qwerty-par Junior Member

    What is this? Bloody hide and seek? It's now WinAppHelper you've got to remove. Guys, what do you think we are? Idiots that pay for licenses?

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